Sight loss/monocular vision - do you think an eye patch would help?
Hi all, earlier this year I lost the sight in my left eye in an accident at work, I'm slowly getting used to it but have been having trouble with it stinging and streaming lately especially with the colder weather. Has anyone else experienced the same trouble and do you think an eye patch would help? TIA Lol Doolan
Survey / Sensory perception
everyone! In the
context of our apprenticeship as opticians at the Albrecht Dürer vocational school
in Düsseldorf (Germany), we deal with the project “visually impaired and blind persons in
society”. In our group we concentrate on the topic “sensory perception” and we
want to find out how the senses like hearing,…
Hi, my name is SleepyDebs! I have recently been provided with a NHS CPAP DreamStation
I have recently been provided with a NHS CPAP DreamStation, it has taken some years for me to qualify as my sleep apnea wasn't severe enough, it is taking time to get used to, so I am still exhausted, I really hope things improve
Hi, my name is jannim! Shoulder Operation Query
Hi, I had my right shoulder operated on about 10 years ago & now have problems with my left shoulder. I think mine is because oof falling & also I have hand controls to drive & this puts alot of wear & tear on my shoulders. I've been told at physio that they don't really operate unless the tear is caused by an injury, has…
Bummed Out By Unexplained Neuropathy
Hi All, 30 year old, female, uk In March this year I started with vision problems (several eye tests, OCT Scans, and a private opthologist confirmed my eyes are apparently fine) and a tingling in my pelvis area. Doctor said it was likely linked to minor back injury from bed rest so gave physio to do. Back resolved but…
Hi, my name is Emily! Where can I find disability friendly clothing for teenagers?
I have hip dysplasia which limits my movement. I'm quite new to the disability world but I am coming to terms with my new limits. I wondered if anyone had any tips or advice on where to find disability clothing for teenagers? What do you guys struggle with when it comes to clothing?
Hi, my name is cin! I am a dermatomyositis suffer with fibromyalgia
Hi, I am a dermatomyositis suffer with fibromyalgia. Anybody else out there with this?
Hi, my name is ChickenDaddy! Looking for information. Have a neuro condition.
I’m new here and looking for information and insight from Scope allies. I have a progressive neuro condition that is beginning to affect me quite seriously and I’m looking forward to getting some perspective from the community.
Hi, my name is Xwrench3! I have been talking about getting parts of my spine fused
Hello, I have had a "bad back" for 50 years or so. about 1996, I seriously injured it, had back surgery, which did not repair my back. but I kept working. I was in pain, but I modified most of my duties, and if i did get hurt bad enough that i could not work for a few days, my employer understood, and did not give me any…
Hi, my name is Kerri. Want to talk about muscular dystrophy
Is there anyone on here with muscular dystrophy?
Anyone interested in a brain-implant trial ?
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-66865895 I wouldn't trust Musk with a mouse brain - so I will not be applying .....
Hello everyone, I’m new here and don’t really know how it all works yet, but I guess with some help, I may be able to interact with other people and maybe make some friends along the way. I have MS and whilst I’m still capable mentally, my physical abilities are becoming much worse. But rather than talking about my health…
Hi, my name is BeebleBev! I have spondylolisthesis
Hi I have spondylolisthesis and it affects L5/S1. I am listed for decompression and spinal fusion surgery.
Hi, my name is Soneil87! I was finally told I needed micro discectomy on L4/L5 & L5/S1 discs
Hello, first time post as I feel like I’m at an all time low. After 5 years of sciatic pain, regular physio appointments with all different types of treatments, I was finally told I needed micro discectomy on L4/L5 & L5/S1 discs. Although the purpose of the operation was a success and my recovery appeared to be on track…
Hi, my name is debimade! I've just been diagnosed with L5 neuroforaminal stenosis
Hi, I am Debbie and I've just been diagnosed with L5 neuroforaminal stenosis and I'm beginning my journey into understanding more about the condition, seeking advices to what help are out there for and more importantly sharing knowledge and experiences with you all. Thank you
Leg Ulcer .. Can I ask for bit of advice please and thank you x
hi everyone. Can someone help me please. I am not too sure how to begin this, but i have had an leg ulcer now since before may. the nurse said it was cellilitius at first but now its turned into a leg ulcer. i have had antibiotics at the beginning 2 different ones together. ive been going back and forth practically every…
I went to see GPS last week
Hi to all I went to see my lady Gp last week about a few different things including my legs R swollen I have v viens in both my legs aswell as lots of back hip pain and swelling in both my legs she says the swelling is to do with my viens. I have included pics of my leg.
Poor / No speech long term
I have suffered from poor speech for over 30 years - when I had a head injury I can't actually form the words that I am trying to impart....its extremely frustrating.... I am medically retired from work (I was a civil servant for 30 years followed by a IT engineer for the local authority 10 years) I wonder whether there…
Navigating Life with Quadriplegia in Today's Society
Navigating Life with Quadriplegia in Today's Society: The Transformative Role of Mental Health Counselling Introduction In the intricate tapestry of today's society, individuals
living with quadriplegia find themselves facing unique challenges that demand
understanding, empathy, and comprehensive support. This article…
Relocating from abroad due to further medical problems and family cancer diagnosis
Hi to all members. Firstly I must congratulate Scope on putting together and administering this Forum. As a very new member, I can see it is a very valuable source for information and advice for many people. I hope to gain advice myself and be an active member over the coming months. So to the main reason why I joined and…