Accessible shopping for scooters
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Venlaflaxine hard to get.
I was wondering if other people were experiencing problems obtaining the 75mg Venlaflaxine tablets ? I am having to double up using the smaller tablets. The chemist told me that the smaller tablets (37.5mg) may well be taken off the market too. Anyone have this happen to them with other antidepressants and what did you do?
Hi My doctor confirmed that my mental health is classed as a disability. Am I able to claim any benefits and what is the procedure and evidence needed? I suffer with complex PTSD, acute anxiety, and chronic depression.
Hello every one. I am often asked about alcoholism and specific questions. First one is what are units of alcohol and can I drink safely.? Second one am I an alcoholic and do I need to be thinking of seeking professional help.? I know this being the start of a new year. Some members will be looking to be dry or absenteeism…
Struggling with not being ‘me’ anymore
Hello! My name is Lauryn and to be honest I’m not even really sure why I’m writing this, I have never written anything like this down and actually probably haven’t verbalised it before either. A brief ‘history’, I became very depressed around 2013, in 2015 I tried to end my life and almost succeeded, I received some help…
Depression and anxiety - Disability or not?
All I would like to know if depression and anxiety are classed as a mental disability.
mental health
i am Asperger's and i have fibromyalgia , i have been dealing with so much emotional stuff all my life and now its really taking control of me with high anxiety where i dont want to go any place , plus the constant pain of fibro dragging me down , i had counselling thru a charity for 12 weeks but even thou her report said…
Need to talk
Having bad few days. Seen MIND they are going to help. ANGRY at myself for not thinking about it sooner..
How this online forum helps me with my mental health and disabilitys
I wish to thank @thespiceman and chloe and all the other members who reached out to me in my time of need thanks to this forum giving me confidence and self belief i went into the scope charity shope on Denmark hill camberwell and enquired about volunteering and it looks very positive I'm just going to work on my 2…
Hi I don’t know if I’m doing this right. I’ve never done anything like this before. Long story short, I think after a lot of reading I have CPTSD. It’s the only thing that has ever made me understand me. My sister found the symptoms and sent them to me, saying this is you and she was right. I tick every box. My problem is…
Just been to see my GP as feeling very low and suicidal to be told to find something to do, we havnt got a magic wand and no i can't do your meds as i am already running late. I asked for help. Now feeling worse than ever.
Keep making hmm noises and humming
I need to ask advice about something I suffer with twitches for quite sometime and I’ve now developed humming even when people are talking or tv is on my head just hears music or a song and latches on to it for ages until another tune takes over.I dont even know a lot of the time I’m doing it. If I’m not humming I’m making…
Can anybody offer any advice?
Hi my name is leon i have been suffering with mental health for over 10 years now i would like to work but every time i get a job my head just goes off the rails within 2 weeks and back to square one again can anybody offer any advice how i can overcome this problem thanks
Coping with emotions
Hi... Struggling atm.. I have my own health issues and disabilities and am struggling to cope with my sister's newly diagnosed progressive muscle wasting condition. Really finding it hard to watch her with all her mobility problems and deterioration. I have not got the same illness as her and have already lost 2 siblings…
I feel suicidal I feel this year will be bad for me and probably amongst others but I really feel like it's not going to end good with mental health issues the dwp will make me work I'd rather die i don't want that I can barely leave the house I don't want to be bullied
I desperatley need help
Dear all. I'm in a mess a terrible mess. My alcohol intake has really increased of late to the point of total obilivion. ive left my husband as I don't want to hurt him any more.... he doesn't want me to drink anymore..., and, I really don't blame him. However, I'm frightened, as to how ill cope with withdrawal. Im scared,…
Hello everyone, this post thought I write. Concern care as part of my role. Community champion see so many post members coming on with Mental Health issues and the then the issues of claiming benefits. Often setting off either anxiety or distress or other symptoms. Can not cope find there not getting any support, advice,…
Help please
My partner lately has been having some pretty scary mood swings, he can go from being loving and supportive to combative and violent in a blink of an eye and its really scaring me I have been in physically abusive relationships on the past so when he flips out I usually go into the other room A: to give him time to cool…
I feel empty, dhould I recontact the mental health hospital that used to visit me
or am i just wasting their time, it is coming up to xmas, they must be busy,,,but i'm just sitting here waiting for the day after boxing day, all the stuff i bought because well, you're supposed to, is either in the freezer or the clothes i bought still in the packet because they won't fit me and whats the point, the day…
Hello every one sorry just need to get the memories the images away. Have coping methods might and do use these, up this morning at 3am, all in my head the images the problems the whole thing around Christmas. I never imagined thought be OK every year be this pain. Why and given time will disappear but some days have like…