World Mental Health Day 2021 - mental health in an unequal world

Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing
edited October 2021 in Mental health and wellbeing

World Mental Health Day 2021

Today is World Mental Health Day 2021. 

The theme of this year's World Mental Health Day, set by the World Federation for Mental Health, is 'Mental health in an unequal world'.

Research by the Mental Health Foundation suggests that some of the people struggling the most are those who were already facing considerable challenges, including disabled people and those with long term health conditions, along with their carers.

We all know that many disabled people unfortunately face discrimination and the effects of inequality every day. We also realise that the pandemic isn't over, and many disabled people in particular are having to take additional precautions to protect themselves and their loved ones. It's therefore important we consider how this could impact our mental health.

tiles spelling out mental health matters on a table

Where can I go for advice and support?


You're always welcome to post about your mental health here on the community. We have a category dedicated to discussions around mental health, so why not tell us how you've been feeling? We also created a big thread of tips and resources geared towards dealing with stress, low mood, and isolation during the coronavirus pandemic. If you're looking for some fun distraction, you can also head over to the coffee lounge to take part in some casual conversation and games. 

Here's what to do if you're worried about another community member

The main bit of Scope's website also has plenty of online information and advice regarding mental health, including:

Mental health charities

Mental health charities are also there to offer their advice and support.  Here are a few of them:
Many mental health charities have a mix of online, telephone, and in-person services. If you'd like to speak to someone from a charity about your mental health, here are a few ideas:
  • Samaritans: call 116 123, or email You don't have to be suicidal to get in touch with them
  • SHOUT: text SHOUT to 85258 if you'd prefer to speak to a trained volunteer over text
  • CALM: run a live chat from 5pm-midnight
  • Papyrus: call 0800 068 41 41 if you're aged under 35 years old
  • The Mix: have a number of services you can access if you're aged under 25 years old
  • Beat: have a number of services you can access if you or a loved are living with an eating disorder
  • Anxiety UK: call 03444 775 774
If you'd like to see what mental health support exists in your area, you can visit the Hub of Hope.

In an emergency

If you feel unable to keep yourself safe, or are worried about someone else, you should call 999 or visit A&E right away.

What's on your mental health services wish list?

It's clear to see that mental health services don't always meet the needs of those needing to access those services. What's on your mental health services wish list? Here are a few ideas to start:
  • Shorter waiting times
  • More accessible options for getting in touch with a mental health professional e.g. live chat or email services
  • Improved communication between different departments, e.g. social care, GPs, and mental health professionals

How are you doing?

Finally, how are you really doing? It's all too easy to brush off these questions with an 'I'm fine' or 'not too bad', but it's worth taking a moment every so often to check in with yourself to see how you're really doing. 

Please feel free to share how you're doing in the comments, but there's also no pressure to :) 

Do you think being disabled, or caring for someone who is, impacts your mental health?
Has the coronavirus pandemic impacted your mental health?
Do you know of any good resources for those struggling with their mental health?
What's on your mental health services wish list?
How are you doing?


  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    edited October 2021
    Hello @Tori_Scope

    Thanks for initiating such a great thread. I hope everyone felt supported yesterday just as much as they do every day (or maybe even more!). I am okay thanks Tori just tired because I wrote a 6-page assessment yesterday. Reading always takes me the most time. How are you and everyone else? What helps you to feel supported? I will look forward to hearing all of your responses!  :)
  • leeCal
    leeCal Community member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    I found a mental health care plan yesterday, it was my last care plan, it was dated 2016!
    need I say more.
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    Hello @leeCal

    Oh no, sorry to hear this. It doesn't sound like you received much support between 2016 and 2021. Is there anything we can do to support you? How are you feeling at the moment?
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Community member Posts: 3,137 Championing
    edited October 2021
    Mental Health Wishlist:

    1 - Services offering easily accessible text based communication for those of us that can't use phones!

    2 - Some 'life' help service.  GP's just prescribe meds.  (Most) CBT therapists just show you 'tools' to use yourself.  I just feel like there isn't any real tailored help, working out a decent daily/weekly routine incorporating meds and working around existing issues, regular 'check-ins' when starting meds to make sure you can cope...and if not, some practical help that you can access at any time to come over.  

    Realistically, I know my anxiety (and associated MH conditions) are now too deep to make any improvements without meds.  But with a severe phobia of bodily fluids and daily IBS & nausea already, I just cannot see how I'm meant to start taking meds with a high risk of digestive side effects!  No-one has offered any solutions either.  I basically just get told to 'deal with it'...but if if I could do that, I wouldn't be needing the meds in the first place!!  :D  Jokes aside though, I do feel totally alone with it, I can't see any way to move forward in my current position.

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    Hello @OverlyAnxious

    I am so sorry to hear you feel so alone and unheard with your mental health difficulties. I am so glad you feel able to trust us and to reach out to us. I agree with you about needing accessible text-based communication for those of us that can't use phones! Also, personalised support is crucial. Have you heard of Shout? They offer text-based support for mental health difficulties but, unfortunately, that's the only service I am aware of. We do need more services that operate in this way! Until then, we have your back. If there is anything we can do to support you, please just let us know  :)
  • leeCal
    leeCal Community member Posts: 7,537 Championing
    Hi @L_Volunteer, I’m okay today thank you. The community gives me something to occupy my time and that’s all I need really. 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    Hi @leeCal

    I am glad to hear you are okay. It is also great to hear that the community is helping you!  :)
  • nannymaroon
    nannymaroon Community member Posts: 562 Empowering
    @Tori_Scope thanks for starting this discussion.i didn't realize how I am really feeling until I read your OP.

    I stopped watching the news because I was getting annoyed and anxious about the prospect of another variant of covid.
    I am going into voluntary isolation after going out once this week.i was the only person in the shop I went to who was wearing a mask. Now, a few days later, I have a sore throat and a cough.
    I've had both jabs and got covid a few weeks after the second one. I was very unwell with it and now have long covid with cardiac and renal so frightened of getting it again. Esp as I couldn't book an appointment for the booster jab. What are we supposed to do? We can't live in self imposed house arrest  for ever. People like me who have pre existing serious health conditions need more advice as to how to navigate this new covid feels like we are expected to hide away indoors whilst everyone else is getting back to life as 'normal'. It's getting me down as if life is passing me by. 
    I'm frustrated by all the people who refuse to get the vax and are putting the rest of us at risk just because they want to go clubbing etc.

  • cartha
    cartha Community member Posts: 1,391 Empowering
    Mental Health Wishlist:

    1 - Services offering easily accessible text based communication for those of us that can't use phones!
    This is a major obstacle for me. I'm always made to feel like I'm the only person who has a problem with phones, and it is me just being "silly". With businesses and services going more and more online it's amazing how many of them refuse to correspond with email.

  • Crazyraven
    Crazyraven Community member Posts: 18 Connected
    I was driven to the edge 2014, after 3yrs caring for mum in her last years, then rows with my brother in law, not my sis, finally thrown out by him and my sis is the only relative I have here, epilepsy's isolated me from society's fear of it.  I asked my gp for help with suicide, her answer-oh dear it's a year's waiting list for psychiatry.  Pushed around various charities for a year who couldn't help me, went to a+e twice seeing a psychiatrist who seemed to be more like my school headmistress and dismissed.  Found the strength after a year to lift myself out of it, saying I don't want such bad people back in my life, I've survived a year, so you can cope with it all
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing
    I'm glad you found the post helpful @nannymaroon :) 

    I think many people have found the news quite anxiety provoking of late, especially since the beginning of the pandemic. 

    I agree that there's not enough support and guidance out there for people who are more at risk. It's really unfortunate that you contracted coronavirus after having your second vaccination, and that you're experiencing some longer term health issues. Have you had any support from your medical team about getting treatment for the cardiac and renal complications? 

    What problem did you have booking the booster jab? I've heard of some other people who've been unable to book, too. 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear about everything you've had to go through @Crazyraven, especially the response you got from those who should be there to help you. 

    Sorry, if I've asked you this before, but are you on a waiting list for any talking therapy? If you live in England, you can refer yourself directly for talking therapy through the IAPT scheme.

    It's good that you've managed to help yourself survive for the past year. Do you have any self-help tips to share with other members on how to cope when things get tough? 
  • nannymaroon
    nannymaroon Community member Posts: 562 Empowering
    edited October 2021
    @Tori_Scope I went to the government website and put in my details. The result was that I am not eligible yet and should wait for the gp to contact me. Why are they encouraging us ( overs 50's and chronically ill) to get the booster shot if we can't get an appointment?
    Even though I had my flu jab last month, I'm getting more sceptical about the covid vax  because some people like me did exactly what we were told and shielded for most of 2020, we got vaccinated when told to and still got covid. I'm beginning to feel like getting it is inevitable and it's hit and miss who dies or is left seriously I'll.
    I'm grateful that I'm seeing some good consultants for the new health problems, but I'd rather have my pre covid life back.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,466 Championing
    Hi @nannymaroon - I wonder if you can't get your booster jab yet as a 6 month gap between your 2nd Covid-19 vaccination & this is what has been recommended? I also hope that things improve for you as you have been through such a lot. :)
    Hi @cartha - good to see you again! I hope your house move went well. :)
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,445 Championing
    Yes, when did you have your second dose @nannymaroon? Maybe that's the problem. 

    Research suggests that the vaccines are effective in preventing the spread and severity of coronavirus. Unfortunately, no vaccine is 100% effective, so some people will unfortunately still catch the virus after receiving both doses of the vaccine.
  • nannymaroon
    nannymaroon Community member Posts: 562 Empowering
    edited October 2021
    I was called  in for the first one in Feb and the second one in may I caught covid the first/ second week of June.
    I was quite sceptical about the vax at first because of the speed of it's development. Then when I got covid I was very disappointed and angry because I followed all the rules and  I believed the hype that the vax was our salvation. It was sold to us as the miracle we were waiting for  to get back to some kind of normal life.