Chronic depression
Sorry I’ve been quiet and not posted for a while. I attempted suicide, I was at a very low, lonely point where I wanted to find peace and quietness. I am receiving psychological help help from a lovely therapist, but I’m finding it extremely hard to talk about my feelings and thoughts. Sometimes I have a dozen confusing…
Hello good morning to every one. I do have a lot of care, concerns those with addiction histories. Being an alcoholic for thirty years, now clean thirteen next year. I know this time of year those like me get the anxiety. The depression sets in the panics, emotions, fears all around relapsing. Or even thinking of how to…
*TRIGGER * Between my depression and chronic pain I'm at my wits end. I'm struggling with the urges to self harm or worse. I've tried writing my feelings down, didn't work, tried drawing on myself, didn't work. Its not lack of sleep, I got plenty last night and not tired. Just sick of being in pain constantly and dealing…
*TRIGGER * No One Cares
I have a bunch of mental health issues and everywhere I go, they mess me about and send me to someone else who again passes me off to the next or tell me to go to my gp. What is a gp gonna do? They arent therapists or psych drs. I self harm, have been for over 20 years off and on, have had mutiple suicide attempts (once i…
Now that the tories have got back in yet again I'm so depressed not got a future now. probably be homeless lose our car. Our own one. But also my son who's 8 will miss out with help as got special needs. As tories cutting there funding.
Feeling very suicidal and wanting to cut
I have had enough of everything I can't keep fighting anymore, I have been battling for 24yrs long story short physically mentally and sexually abused as child diagnosed with mental health 3 yr ago been self harmer since 10yrs old have attempted my life serval times in last 8 yrs I have nothing left to fight with I'm sick…
Non epileptic seizures
Was just wondering something I am on dla and have been since 1996 I was awarded for life middle rate care and lower mobility. I will be changing over to pip but during this time on dla my diagnisis was changed to non epileptic seizures will this affect me I apply for pip.
Benzo proacted withdrawal
Been over 9 year's now will I recover from this is it natural healing. My body tone still not normal yet. Various other symptoms. My hair still serious condition. Anxiety still up and down. Muscles in arms wasted away still not tighten up yet. Amd worried how long it takin to heal.
Depression and anxiety
I'd love to say my 2019 has been great so far. Ive had anxiety since I was 13 years old, as I've got older it's developed in ways that I've at the time struggled to understand. This year I've hit an all time low, I had a miscarriage in February which in itself was absolutely heart breaking. Then in April I lost my grandad,…
Hello. I've got mental health issues and I'm getting discriminated by the head teacher and teachers just cause I don't cuddle or kiss my son in school I think he will be embarrassed about that seen he is 8. And I feel that I can't always do it myself
How assessment s have left me.
I just wanted to write here how my recent assessments have left me feeling. I live on my own don't have anyone to speak to and my nearest family live 67 miles away. Don't want sympathy for that as it's my own doing, I just needed to be alone because no one understands how I feel and I don't want to be a burden to anyone. I…
Hi I'm a 73yr old grandmother and it's my first Time posting
Need help with motivation, feeling very low.
I’ve worked over 60 hours this week despite my bad joints and social anxiety, and now I’m just getting brain fog every few minutes and dissociating the rest. I’m just really tired but I’m still working.
Bipolar and sodium valproate
Anyone have any experience of a very flat mood on sodium valproate does this mean I need less or this the usual thing for this drug??
Need a counsellor
O need a counsellor as I'm falling apart and having ptsd
PTSD-related anxiety
I just bailed from a social event by citing PTSD related anxiety. It would have been so much simpler to have invented a bad back. I have always been an anxious individual but in 1992 we were on holiday and my fiance was shot and died while I attempted CPR. At first I pretended to suffer from anorexia which enabled me to…
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS); being a representative
Does anyone have any knowledge of this please? We have a rental property & a lovely 87 year old tenant. She was recently hospitalised & my daughter & son-in-law, who live the nearest, have visited her twice as her son lives in Australia. Understandably the nurses would not tell them much as they're not relatives, but my…
Hi hope everyone doing good today just wondering if anyone can help if possible please I have a number of mental health problems all diagnosed by my gp after of a number of different events in my life .anyway I am struggling to get help I have been under my locol primary mental health services from 2012. but you can only…
Does anybody have bpd I’ve been talking to others and I believe I may suffer how can I get reaccessed as I’m at the moment have anxiety disorder and recurring depression
Munchauser by proxy
My son has Aspergers severe depression anxiety and OCD.My husband (not sons dad) told me a few years ago that I had Munchenhauser by proxy. I forgave him for that but now he’s suggesting that something sinister in my sons past is causing his current depression and anxiety. My mind is in overdrive that my son may have been…