LCWRA affects council tax reduction? Unbelievable
We got a council tax reduction that was short lived as today I had a letter telling me monthly payments were going up because my husband is now on LCWRA and it’s classed as income. As said, unbelievable. The governments continuous stance of give and take back. Rant over !
Telephone interview with Universal Credit, I'm a bit worried
Hi Just joined this Community Got Telephone interview tomorrow with Universal credit after Submitting 4 Months of Bank details. I'm a bit worried
WCA, ESA to UC migration, policy.
I found this government document. https://data.parliament.uk/DepositedPapers/Files/DEP2024-0673/198_Work_Capability_Assessments_V25.0.pdf It states that its possible someone might get referred 3 months after migration (which given this only started in September, no one would have been contacted yet). Quote here, anyone…
UC Migration Notice & FAQ's from Turn2Us
https://www.turn2us.org.uk/get-support/information-for-your-situation/universal-credit-migration-notice/migration-notices?mc_cid=c9249f35d5&mc_eid=cc10783ab2 I'm lucky I'm not in the position where I need to claim UC but have gone through the process only to be told savings slightly high as a couple! And this after…
Hi, my name is poppy2002! Claim Carers Element on UC?
hi just after some advice. My brother claims lcwra uc and pip. I care for him but I don’t claim carers allowance because I work but on uc. My question is could I claim carers element on uc without it affecting his benefits?
Will a DLA claim affect carers element?
hi, My husband and I are considering applying for DLA for our eldest son who is on the ADHD assessment waitlist ( 3 year wait at the minute). I am in receipt of PIP for a disability and I’m in LCW group. My husband claims carers element for me. If I apply for dla for my son with my name in the form, will it affect the…
Universal credit claim review
I’m on universal credit and I have had to send 4 months bank statement and photo id, they r now calling me to review my claim, however I am worried as each month I’ve had quite abit of money go into my bank each month, but this is down to my sister sharing my bank account for her universal credit and housing rent to go…
Asked to submit bank statements to UC
Hi everyone. I just discovered this community just yesterday. I have been ask to submit my four month bank statement by UC. I don’t know if my partner has to submit her own as well. But when I looked into the message for my partner it says need to be completed by your partner which is myself. Another concern of mine is…
Safety points when completing the WCA form
Hi everyone, Thought I'd just post this here in case some of you missed these points when I made my intro hello post. The way the assessment is set up, it's easy to be caught out when sending the form back. Here are my Golden Rules to keep you safe: Always send the form back signed on delivery, so you get a signature from…
Been told no longer need to provide fit notes
Hello everyone can anyone tell me I claim universal credit. And have been awarded limited capacity to work but I still had to get fit notes for months.but now I have been told I no longer need to send fit notes. But am still on limited capacity to work so really don't understand what it all means some advice I be grateful…
Esa support group > UC fit note
Hello I Started a claim for UC after moving house I was previously on ESA (support group) it wad my understanding that I wouldn't need to provide a fit note but now I'm being asked to is this correct or not any advice would be much appreciated Thanks
Uc closed claim
Hi all had message from uc saing claim closed no longer entitled would anyone know if i have have to inform pip Thanks
What is the criteria to get into this group please. Any advice welcome. I suffer with mental health problems
Can I close UC account during claims review?
Hi all, new here! Just looking for some answers, I was asked to do a claims review a week or two ago, I have submitted the documents requested but heard nothing more about it. Currently working full time and get UC as a top up of wages as I’m a single mum. I have been trying to get a second job for MONTHS to get off UC, I…
Best to apply for UC myself or wait until migration letter?
Hi could you tell me if it's best to go over to universal credit myself or wait until I get my migration letter Thanks
Husband retired and UC
Hi everyone i dont know if anyone can help. We are a mixed age couple, my husband retired a mth ago at 66 he worked part time i am also his carer. We claim uc as we were on tax credits and had migration letter not had any problems. He reveived a note on our journal today saying he has to attend a work review can anyone…
Assessment referred back to uc
I rang the assessment team regarding update onto my wife’s UC 50 form which was sent few months ago they told me that it has been cancelled and referred back to uc to decision maker and she want need assessment . Does this mean it will be a paper decision
UC requesting ID and bank statements
about an appointment requesting ID and bank statements
Applied for BL but says it might take up to 3 weeks?
I've applied for BL got text telling me it might be up to 3 weeks till I find out if I can have it ,never happened before my anxiety is threw the roof at the best of times this making me even worse if that's even possible just wondering if this us niw a new thing as saying staff need check my details
Does anyone know what this uc113 form my doctor has received is it any thing I should be stressing about. I've still not sent my uc50 back as I can't find the mental strength in me to fill it in but my Dr has been asked to fill the uc113 in I'm so stressed out. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated, thank you.