Lcwra and updating details at job centre?

Hailee1989 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited January 3 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi all, my friend told me about scope so thought I'd try it out. I was awarded LCWRA about 4 months ago. I recently changed my mobile number due to nuisance calls. I've called UC helpline today and have been told a letter with an appointment to visit my local job centre will be sent out in order for me to update my mobile number. I asked about this as obviously with lcwra you don't visit job centres, you don't look for work etc and so to be told I have to go to a job centre to update my number seems crazy as the reason I've been awarded lcwra is due to an inability to leave the house. I was asked so many security questions and able to answer all of them no problem, so I can't fathom why I'd need a face to face appointment. I know you can get into trouble for not updating these details but I literally can't take myself to the job centre. Does anyone have any idea what I can do about this? 


  • Hailee1989
    Hailee1989 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    I just called to ask about this more to understand why and they said they've changed their policies and now you have to take a bank card and photo ID into a job centre to update a number which is absolutely ridiculous. I even said how I am LCWRA and I literally CANNOT get to a job centre and they said it doesn't matter, regardless you have to go and if you don't, benefits will stop for failing to update. This is absolutely disgusting? I don't understand how they're allowed to do this. I understand if you are actively looking for work etc but if you're LCWRA how can they force you into the job centre? 
  • Adeline
    Adeline Online Community Member Posts: 141 Empowering
    Do you have an online Universal Credit account @Hailee1989? You can change your phone number there. Go to report a change and then contact details.

    I did mine a couple of months ago and all went through fine. 
  • dylan89
    dylan89 Online Community Member Posts: 26 Connected
    @Hailee1989 any change in personal details have to be in person except for when the job centre actually knows you personally I’ve changed my number recently to as wall getting to many scam calls as I only changed it on the uc account I didn’t have to attend to verify my number just by text verification 
  • Hailee1989
    Hailee1989 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Adeline said:
    Do you have an online Universal Credit account @Hailee1989? You can change your phone number there. Go to report a change and then contact details.

    I did mine a couple of months ago and all went through fine. 
    Yes but I stupidly changed my number without thinking about UC account because I'm on lcwra and I get emails if there is anything I need to read / to do lists I don't check my account that often so it didn't occur to me until after I had the new number. And because when I log in it always sends a code to my mobile I literally cannot change any info and when I select the option saying I can't do this the only option is call the job centre and book a f2f appointment which is a new policy thats been introduced lately which is crazy especially when people are on lcwra. I feel like it's yet another trick for the DWP to try catch people put. Come in and change your number or get sanctioned but if you come in and you're dressed in clean clothes with washed hair you're getting reassessed sooner. I'm on pip too due to disability, where I get higher rates due to my inability to go out often and issues with public transport and social interaction etc so for me going to a job centre is genuinely terrifying. It would be so easy to just ask for photo ID to be scanned if they're that arsed about confirming identity. But I honestly think its a tactic to try catch people out because according to the government and dwp if you shower you're not sick enough to claim benefits for health reasons. 
  • Hailee1989
    Hailee1989 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    dylan89 said:
    @Hailee1989 any change in personal details have to be in person except for when the job centre actually knows you personally I’ve changed my number recently to as wall getting to many scam calls as I only changed it on the uc account I didn’t have to attend to verify my number just by text verification 
    I can't do this unfortunately because the texts go to my old number I have no access too and I cannot log in without the code that's text to that number, there is no other option except call job centre and make an appointment sadly and I get this is objectively such a small and simple task that would be over and done in an hour or so but one of my biggest struggles is the travel as I'd have to go alone and being in a job centre surrounded by people with no privacy and feeling uncomfortable and judged. 
  • mwm007mwm
    mwm007mwm Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Same it's awful 😖 again it's discrimination 
  • l_diam
    l_diam Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Hi Hailee,

    I’m in exactly the same boat as you and it has been over seven months since I changed my number. I keep phoning up the helpline and they keep emailing my local job centre to say to call me instead of F2F but I have yet to receive a call.

    Just curious if you made any progress with this?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,411 Championing

    This is an old thread from May 2023 and then member hasn't been active since Dec 2023 so you may not have a response.

    Are you able to go into your local Job centre? If so then I'd advise you to do that.

  • l_diam
    l_diam Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Hi Poppy,

    Sadly not, due to similar circumstances to OP. Hence why every time I call UC they email my local job centre with this information and request a phone call appointment instead of F2F. It just doesn’t seem to get further than this despite multiple attempts.