Hi, my name is PVN! Reasonable adjustments - Do I have the right to work an extra day?
I am currently on a reasonable adjustment to 3 days per week in my teaching job which was also supported by Occupational Health. Recent changes to include surgery and a new medication have resulted in an improvement in my health and I would like to increase my hours to 4 days per week for the next academic year. I am…
AAC (communication device) in the workplace.
hi all I am looking for advice. Background: I work in an SEN school, with children and young people who have disabilities. I have worked there for four years. I myself have autism and ocd. (employer is aware) I recently asked my employer for a reasonable adjustment which was to be able to use my communication device at…
Occupational health
I have been asked to go to occupational health by work. I'm currently off sick due to CRPS in my ankle but I also have schizoaffective disorder and fibromyalgia. Has anyone else been to occupational health? What happens?
Occupational health
Hi all I have autism and borderline personality disorder. I have been on the sick for 3 months only get ssp 116.00 per week but my employer has arranged me to have a 2 hr occupational health meeting via team with a third party. inhave already submitted reports from occupational health and from the specialist mental health…
Is this discrimination?
Hi my name is Tee A. I have recently been made redundant. There is a employment crisis in the industry I work with minimal shows being re commissioned meaning lack of work. I have managed to get a few interviews but when I disclose I am disabled and need to work on a hybrid based, I am told someone needed in office at all…
Hi, my name is kirstykht! Ill health retirement, is this legal?
Hi there thanks for accepting my application to join this platform . I have numerous disabilities and have been off work for almost 12 months after working for the company 23 years . I have applied for ill health retirement and have been assessed as not fit for work before my Normal pension age I’m almost 64 and cannot get…
Uc claim but partner has no pay slips
Hi, We have just started a new uc claim. My partner works full time but for the last 2 weeks, he hasn't received wage slips. How would this affect the uc claim and is there a way he can report earnings once he receives them. The company are behind on paying wages. Thanks
Applying for work and LCWRA
Hi, I have schizophrenia (a mental or brain disorder that results in lapses of ill health where you hear voices and have delusional thoughts) I am currently on LCWRA but I would like to return to work, my question or query is; will I have to restart a LCW assessment if i get a job and fail to keep it? Sincerely, many…
ESA SG Reassessment
Hello, I have got a telephone call on Monday 13th May for a reassessment of my ESA (currently in the support group) but been given conflicting information. Answers from “why it is needed?” Or “do I need a reassessment?” All I want to know is what is the reasoning behind this, I’d just love some answers and assurance as to…
Reasonable adjustments in the workplace
I was diagnosed 3 weeks ago with autism, something I wasn't surprised at and actually feel relieved at knowing. I work in the civil service, always been office based, never worked from home but over the last few years I've been really struggling with the work and the environment I was in. Currently on sick leave and spoken…
Sick Note Reforms
I'm worried about the new sick note reforms being planned for this October so Mel Stride says, the DWP m.p. who will these changes affect, is it just new claimants wanting a sick note or is he also targeting those who have already being told they are too sick to work? What about those who have had a W.C.A and are currently…
Hi, my name is Poppy71! Is there any point applying for IHR?
Hi, Please can anyone help. I have Fibromyalgia, CFS, (started 5 yrs ago following Shingles and meningitis) as well as other health conditions. Asthma, Osteoarthrosis and urology problems since bladder repair. I have worked as a nurse for over 33 yrs. Unfortunately the last 5 have been traumatic. I have explored every…
A little lost - suggestions appreciated.
I'd really appreciate some input here as my circumstances have drastically changed recently and I'm feeling a little lost. I was made redundant during a TUPE process. The new incoming employer insisted on changing the shift pattern and because I had reasonable adjustments in place for my disabilities, the new shift pattern…
Hi, my name is Clifton! any one got any advice or have been to a work tribunal?
I'm taking my ex employer to a tribunal for disability discrimination unfair dismissal & i was a whistle blower during covid as employer didn't follow government guidelines, any one got any advice or have been to a tribunal? Thanks
Work related disability
Hi my name is Debra. I have just today gone back to work for two hours a day for this week and then up a hour every week till I get back to my full working hours . I usually start at 5:30 a.m. which have done for 6 years now . My partner gets me work as I don't drive and at that time no busses. He changed his job to be…
Hi, my name is katiemarie! refused medical retirement
Hi help I have been refused medical retirement eventhough have GP letters and consultant stipulates my condition. Life is hard enough living now being disabled to have to start fighting
Volunteering Advice
Hello, I am 31 and I unfortunately I have no real work or volunteering history, which I know isn’t a good thing. I’m currently looking into volunteering, as I need to start moving my life forward, however, most places require 2 references and I obviously can’t provide these. I’m just wondering if anyone can provide any…
How do you survive only being able to work part time?
hi, I’m about to lose my full time job due to my disability. I think I’ll be able to find another job but can’t work full time anymore. I don’t know how bills can be covered if I can’t work full time. I’ve been awarded the lower level of Pip but that and a part time wage doesn’t cover all rent and bills.
got fed up with waiting for my local job centre to decide if and when i can work
I decided after the last time I saw an advisor at my local job centre that I would look online for voluntary work to get me out of the house to gain experience and improve and update my CV. Finally, today after the goodness knows how many times I've had it re-arranged, I had my welcome chat meeting at my local hospital at…
Therapy and time off work
Hi, Wondering if others may know. I'm looking at starting a local programme for chronic disease to help with my depression. It looks amazing as you get a wellbeing coach, learn about nutrition and get guided on many areas to help self manage your condition. I worked back the time for my initial assessment to join the…