Struggling at work
I am struggling at the moment, in the past I have struggled to stay in work for little longer than 3 month, but, have had a couple of jobs lasting up to 3 years. The exception being my current role, I have been there for 5 years as of today. However, the last two years have been hell. Recently my employers brought in…
Joining the police
I just suddenly thought this evening I could try & join the police! I have a cousin & brother in law already in the force! But I have MS & am nearly 39! Should I look into it? Thanks, Michelle
Hi, my name is Carmen and my nickname is carionro!
Hello! I hope that together we can help and advise each other on all our problems! I hope to be welcome in your community! Thanks!
workplace anxiety and disability issues is getting in the way, at a total loss
i've been trying to put into words how my workplace anxiety effects me cause after starting another course and getting more theory done i'm seeing that i can do self employment but my anxiety is the biggest barrier i have. i had written this down earlier (edited for brevity and to omit personal info). but for context, i'm…
ESA and PIP questions… please help I’m so stressed with it all
Hi all, So I applied for PIP November last year sent tons and tons of documents from GP, physiotherapists, OT and my psychiatrist liaison. I was given a telephone assessment (due to covid and scored 0 for everything.. long story short because I still was able to work I shouldn’t be entitled to anything and that’s where the…
ADHD and Access to work scheme - what's covered?
I'm self employed and recently diagnosed with ADHD - my finances aren't great at the moment and my psychiatrist told me to look into the access to work scheme when I mentioned to him I'm working 80-100 hours a week. Can't find much information online about what is covered and wondered if anyone on here has gone through the…
Hi, my name is Anderson1! What will happen if I'm on the sick for 28 weeks?
Hi, I would like to ask a question. I have a back and nerve damage down my right side and leg. I have been off work for 6 weeks, Iam waiting for a appointment with a specialist at hospital to see what they can do. I did try and go back to work but was only there for 3 weeks and couldn’t cope with pain and Iam back on the…
Risk Assessment for volunteer staff member, wheelchair user
Hello there, I'm the volunteer coordinator for a charity where we have a number of charity shops in Yorkshire. We've had an enquiry from a lovely member of the public about helping as a volunteer in one of our shops, and she is a wheelchair user. So what I'm needing to do is have the shop risk assessed for a volunteer who…
I had my IIDB assessment in June, but haven't heard back. How can I contact DWP?
Looking for advise in regards to iidb, I have dupuytrens contracture due to using hand held power tools for over 10yrs and have attend medical center here in Glasgow and seen doctor and he agreed my left hand badly affected and starting to spread to right hand and have been trying to contact DWP but no joy had assessment…
Hi, my name is Lilylily!
Hi everyone , I too have just received a letter for a work coach interview (in support group) ,and my mind has been put at rest with your comments . Thank you
Petrol drivers?
I find it very strange how last time there was a shortage of petrol and every body panic bought which lasted about 2 weeks. This time we have the petrol but no way to get it to the pumps? The government knew this was comming yet instead of during the pandemic and the call for everyone to get bac to normal working, what…
Hi, my name is katrina76! Can I claim disability and motobility?
Hi my name is Katrina and I'm 45. I had a work injury last year and I have recently had an operation on my leg. I am now not allowed to drive a manual car, my work have stopped paying me and I am going to lose my house, my consultant has said that the operation I had has not worked and I have to have another operation…
Back pay
Hi I have been in hospital for 3 weeks. I worked one shift got sent home and this month I have been paid £30 to survive. If I got a sick note back dated would it be possible for the backpay to be paid to my bank?
Limited Capability Of Work. Should I be getting any pay for this element?
Hi, I have been on LCA for over a year from the Jobcentre and I’ve never had any pay for this element.. I’ve enquired about it and my work coach has just told me that “we don’t pay anymore” is this true or am I just being messed around.. because they literally pay me nothing when I can’t work and I’ve proved I can’t…
UC and PIP and LCWRA. How are you meant to send fit notes when you still work?
Hi I was told I could have a health assessment while on UC and working because I claim PIP. I was currently off on the sick with my condition for a few months then I returned to my job in July 2020. I had a telephone assessment in July 2020 which then turned to needing a face to face appointment. I waited and waited still…
Hi, my name is KateJones848! I have hidden disabilities, and want to start my own business
Hiya my name is Kate and I have hidden disabilities. It would be great chatting to people like myself on here, to share stories, information, and possibilities available opportunities. Sometimes I get very lonely because of my difficulties, so very much looking forward to chatting with you all... Have a good day all
Hi, I'm Dan198523! I am self-employed, with a particular interest in the Access to Work scheme
Good morning , I am self employed and with a particular interest in the access to work scheme run by the DWP in order to assist those with disabilities including MH conditions engage in and retain full time employment. If people are struggling with the process, its not a surprise as it can be quite complicated and wordy.
Is it best to let potential employers know about my mobility issues outright from the start?
Hi I’m wondering if it’s best to let potential employers or agencies about my mobility issue out right from the start. I’m a member of an online job search group & thought would it be a good idea to ask if any employer or recruiter wishes to consider me with my mobility issues as I’m having no luck so far. Also then…
Can my employer stop me from sitting down during my shift and break?
In my job now we have been told we can't sit down in our shift I just want clarity that the employment law is still the same that if your duties can be done sitting that stools or appropriate seating has to be provided or aloud to sit down on their break which we dint get as we are lobe workers Thanks in advance
Is asking for interview questions and additional time classed as a reasonable adjustment?
I have been offered an interview. Is asking for interview questions, and additional time for the interview task classed as a reasonable adjustment?