How can I find out when my SSP stops?

Yvette48 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Connected
edited September 2021 in Work
Hello everyone, I was wondering if anyone knows how I can find out when my ssp stops please. I've asked my manager today at my final formal meeting and he said that I shouldn't be getting it anymore from 20/08/21. I received a payment from work in September's pay and I'm claiming esa. I hope someone will be able to help me so I can get it sorted out first thing on Monday. Thankyou. 


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited September 2021
    You are entitled to SSP for a maximum of 28 weeks. Your employer should give you form SSP1 confirming the end date. It’s a legal requirement for them to do so. Normally you need this in order to claim ESA.
    This was discussed in your previous thread on the same subject
  • Yvette48
    Yvette48 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Connected
    Thankyou @calcotti. Yes I know it was and that's why I asked for it today when I went for my meeting. I have it but he doesn't actually know the end date, he's worked it out and said that he believes I should of been paid it this month. I need to know if there's a number you can ring so I can try and find out myself. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited September 2021
    Yvette48 said:
    .. I have it but he doesn't actually know the end date, he's worked it out and said that he believes I should of been paid it this month. 
    What do you mean he’s given it to you but doesn’t know the end date. Has he given you a blank form? The employer is responsible for working it out and is required to give you a completed form which confirms the end date.
    Employers must fill in the SSP1 form when an employee is not entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) or when their SSP is ending.
    (Presumably you know when you went off sick and started getting SSP so you should be able to check the date yourself - but you still need your employer to give you a completed SSP1.)
  • Yvette48
    Yvette48 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Connected
    @calcotti, he's given me the forms and filled it in but left the end date blank as because I got paid this month he's not sure when the end date is. He's told me to ring the number on the form and see if they can help me. Apparently I'm the first person who's ever asked for one. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited September 2021
    It’s your employer’s responsibility to work this out.

    You shouldn’t have to ask for an SSP1, an employer is supposed to issue one to anyone who has used up their SSP allowance.

    As the page I referenced above says “An employer must ...”.
  • Yvette48
    Yvette48 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Connected
    @calcotti Thankyou for your response. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited September 2021
    Just remembered there is an SSP calculator for employers here
    Calculation will include end date.
  • Yvette48
    Yvette48 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Connected
    Thankyou @calcotti, I will have a look at that calculator. I've gone through all my wage slips dating back to December and I think I've worked it out. Thankyou for you help. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I still don't understand how you managed to claim ESA without the SSP1 form.
  • Yvette48
    Yvette48 Online Community Member Posts: 48 Connected
    @Poppy123456 hi, I filled the form out online and it didn't ask for ssp1 form. I only found out what it was when you told me because esa never asked me for it.