Medical Jewellery
Hi All, this probably isn’t the right thread to ask this question so apologies, as some of you may know I work in an NHS trust. I’ve worked there for a number of years as a receptionist and now have been redeployed medically to my new department. I wear my MedicAlert Jewellery to symbolise I have a medical condition. Today…
Hi everyone, I hope you are all well, and cooping with the lockdown. I already contact support to work and one of advisers is helping me with the CV and cover letter. On the last lockdown I took 3 courses online, step in social care, caring for Vulnerable children’s and helping children’s on the run. I’m going to apply to…
Tips you may find helpful (what I went threw being bullied in the work place for being disabled )
Hi there I just want to clarify I’m not expert in law or any thing like I’m not really a expert in any thing ha but I have seen a few posts and comments regarding having A disability and regarding work . And wanted to share this with you all . Some of you may know I suffer with mental illness I currently am not able to…
Need to hide my disability to have a career
Hi all, I've grown up feeling proud of being Dyspraxic and whilst it has presented challenges, I've worked through them and fought hard to achieve grades in subjects with report style writing. I was diagnosed at 5 so have been aware of the condition and proudly open about it throughout my life despite at least one person…
Work Problems
Hi all I'm new to here and was wondering if anyone could offer advice/tell me about their own experiences of the workplace. I have left sided Hemiplegia and have worked full time in admin my whole working life. I have been in my current job for 2 years, but have recently been informed that I'm too slow. Two work colleagues…
Employment for a powered wheelchair user
The last 3 years I have been applying for jobs and I get interviews but then they see my wheelchair and I don’t get the job. I really want to work this is how much I want a job: last June I started a YouTube channel called Wheelchair Fun https://instabio.cc/Wheelchairfun i just want to educate people about disabilities…
Apprenticeship adjustments
Hi everyone, I'm considering doing an apprenticeship but I can't find information on how easy it is to get accommodations made. The main thing I'd need is to do half as many hours per week over twice as many years, has anyone done that or tried to? Thanks in advance
Work consultation
Hi, I currently work 3 days a week in an admin role 8.30-4. My employer is holding a consultation as my team will be downsized. I have to interview for my role and if I’m not successful will be moved to a call centre role. This would mean shift work 8-8 and I have been told that there is no guarantee that the flexible…
Hi everyone, I'm in desperate need of advice regarding My ASD and reasonable adjustments in my job
Hi everyone.. not sure where to turn so I thought I'd ask if anyone else has had a similar experience and could offer any advice. I am diagnosed with an Autistic Spectrum Disorder and I made my employer aware of this in October 2019 when I was struggling. Employer helped by giving stability in the job on a day to day…
NHS pension
HI I am not sure if I have posted this in the correct place but I hope someone will be able to advise me or point me in the right direction. I applied for my NHS pension on sickness grounds back in 2004 and was refused. My Consultant at the time said that he was worried I did not get it because one of the questions he had…
Footdrop and work
Hi I developed Footdrop Aug 2020 and had to go off sick as I am an Early Years teacher and I was a risk to the children and myself from frequent trios and falls. I had surgery on my spine in Dec to remove tissue that was pressing on my sciatic nerve. The surgeon couldnt guarantee fixing the footdrop and it hasn't, 2 months…
I have looked for volunteering but nowhere are taking anyone on can someone help me, please. I would prefer to be in a child care setting if anyone is willing to help me out, please.
Careers and Autism
Hi all, I was wondering, from your experience, what type of careers, job roles or sectors suit those who are autistic? I am 23 years old and high functioning, I have completed a Business degree, IT qualifications, Apprenticeships and worked in retail; working in a wide range of environments. I am now at a point in my life…
I had to give up work some years ago. I've been made to feel I'm 'letting the side down'
Hi, I had to give up work some years ago due to my back letting me down but having always been a glass half full kind of gal, volunteer visiting the elderly. Due to 2 tragic deaths in my family within weeks of each other, I'm sadly been made to feel 'Im letting the side down'. I would never want to hurt anyone…
Hi, I'm Lorraine. Where can I find a disability employment advisor?
Im looking for a disability employment advisor when i start looking for work
Please help! What are my chances of being sacked after a re-completion of a health questionnaire?
Hello, I have recently started a job as a support worker and I'm in the first weeks of training. I've been unable to complete the restraint element of training as it is too painful due to arthritis in spine and foot. They have told me to re-complete a pre- employment health questionnaire, which I assume is to flag me up to…
employers please themselves and flout the law
Hello Everyone, I thought I would join this forum as I believe, having Rheumatoid Arthritis for over 16years, that protection is minimal for disabled people and employers please themselves and flout the law.
Working from Home in Sheffield?
Above. It's come to my attention that due to discrimination issues I can't get a job working for a company at their own premises, so I'm considering doing something like data entry remotely from Home. Would anyone know of a local company to Sheffield, England that would offer such a thing for not bad money part time? I can…
Rejected by WH Smith's!
Above. I made the fatal mistake of declaring my disability and the fact I can't work 50 hours a week due to carers etc. It's supposed to be illegal to discriminate but they do it anyway! I know it'd please Dad if I said "screw this I give up", but I am NOT proving the (Removed by moderator)
Declaring disabilities on job applications, good idea or bad idea?
Above. IMO it's a bad idea, every time I apply to anywhere, first thing I do is declare my disability on the online application form, consequently my form gets insta-binned despite the illegality of discrimination unless it's somewhere like the Co Op or Tesco that offers guaranteed interviews for the disabled if you meet…