Recruitment issue
I've made so many applications for work yet despite being skilled and their stating guaranteed interviews..It isn't happening. Rejection is the only constant. Any advice welcome ??
Aged over 16, disabled and looking for a job?
Are you over 16, disabled and looking for a job? Good news - we
may be able to help! Support to Work is an online and telephone support programme for
disabled people living in England and Wales who are looking for a paid job. If you qualify for our programme you will be allocated a
dedicated employment adviser. Your…
Deaf looking for work
It been a year since I was redundancy. I've been to number of Interview without success. I have suffer with depression and stress about future. I'm struggle to find work. I am profound Deaf and I've been suffer with communication barrier as many of them keep phoning me and put down. They dont do sms or email after it. as I…
Advise about employer and my sickness
Hi just wondered does anyone have advice I am due to see my employer nexk week as I have been on esa for 12months now due to multiple fractures of the spine due to me having osteoporosis I have had a call ftom my Consultant who is now going to give me injection to help with this problem hopefully to strengthen my bones can…
Job seeking annoyances, advice welcome
A little bit about me as this is my first post here. Hey there, I'm Sally, I have ADHD (Combined type) that was only diagnosed just over a month ago. I also have chronic clinical depression and anxiety that I was diagnosed with at 16. I'm 25 and currently working a job I really dislike. As for the meat of this post: Is…
Hi, my name is Col356!
Hi hi everybody I have just joined hope you are all well I am an Unpaid Carer We have been 30 years late diagnosed with a very rear Genetic illness ALFA-MANNOSIDOSIS with specific conditions that have affected our son the condition also has specific arthritis which effects us I have been fighting since 2002 after an injury…
Disability Discrimination In the workplace tribunal update
Hi every one I know a few of you have seen my posts of discrimination I went threw at work . It was my first job in years after taking sick when I felt abit better . I was very honest bout my mental I’llnesses I even told them I was under a mental health team I was told that was no problem and how they were supportive this…
Intimidated and threatened into resigning b4 I was paid sick pay
hi please can any1 help me.?( i was not paid my sick pay this month by company I work for i have been off sick since November 2018, and had ssp paid by them i called the office 28/2/2019 and no1 was available to talk to me regarding my missing payment this month an hour later I had 2 missed calls from unknown numbers I…
Hi, my name is belneedsadvise! HELP with disability at work
My son has worked for the same company for coming ip 4 years he has asd adhd (on medication ) and dyslexia he moved branches in January a new manager came in and he is now being sat down every 2 week's about his time keeping and work rate. He has been late 3 times never been of sick and has always had trouble concentrating…
Job search
Hi can anyone give tips on how to find employment or additional job sites compare to the main stream sites
I’m in floods of tears advice please regarding a employers response to me et1
Hi good morning sorry to bother every one but I’m feeling really like I need some support I can’barely breathe I’m in so many tears . As your aware I’m currently Taking a previous employer to tribunal for disability discrimination. I was told yesterday They wanted to make a settlement out of Court they messed about via…
Catering assistant
Iam looking for a job were I can get good skills in the job that I do
Upcoming employment tribunal pre hearing feeling really anxious
@helenzx6r @Markmywords @janer1967 @Username_removed hi I started a new thread as I didn’t want to take over @helenzx6r thread . I’m al prepared for my pre hearing in the next couple of weeks they still have time like a few day’s left for there response to my et1 . Apparently according to the senior staff member who I…
Help required
Good morning all you lovely people ..... right here goes! I do apologises if this message will be huge. basically I am doing around 25-30 hours in my job and we are suppose to get a hour break but we have been working through it as my my boss says there is not much we can do, you will just have to work through it mate”…
unfair dismissal due to disability and health
hi guys, I worked for my company for 5 years, i started getting ill may 2019 with mainly my mental health, bowel and bladder problems, I also have ankylosing spondylitis which i declared when i started as well as mobility issues. I tried to go back several times and failed - i just got ill again after a couple of weeks.…
No career
I got no career on a regular basis because I refused the career the firm can’t guarantee me anyone lose so I can’t have care the social services knows about it and that’s the situation what can I do please help me
Approaching employers with my disability
Hi, Since 2014 I've been unable to work full-time due to my health, I was working part-time zero hours so I could manage my symptoms around work but it wasn't stable for me. I would like to apply for full-time jobs but work with my employer to take the days off which I need, as I have severe PMS/PMDD it's relatively easy…
Discrimination Dismissal
Hi im new to the community. I feel so depressed, because of my situation. I suffer from Anixtey and Depression and have a specific learning disability such as Dyslexia. I was employed by a company and within 7 weeks was sacked and dismissed due to poor performance. I disclose my disability to the employer at the start of…
Advice regarding charities
Hi all, Firstly, please can I take this opportunity to thank you for taking the time to read this post. I am keen to go into schools and other educational setting's to talk to both pupils and staff about disability and the barriers that disabled people may face including how disability can affect mental health but also how…
Reasonable Adjustments
Hi. I went back to work after shielding but the adjustable desks are still broken. I was sent home as managers are aware that without these reasonable adjustments, I am unable to work. It's a desk that allows me to sit and stand whilst taking calls in the call centre due to my mobility issues. HR then emailed me asking me…