When to renew/reapply? and other questions!

laurapeach Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 114 Empowering
Hi everyone!

I won my award via Tribunal in 2021 and it ends in January 2024. As I understand it, it would be treated as a renewal but I won't automatically be sent out any forms as it was a Tribunal decision. When should I be thinking about renewing/reapplying?

If it is treated as a renewal does that mean I will continue to get my current award while they make a decision? If that is the case then I won't apply until a bit closer to the time; I am just stressing out about it all already.

I have a Motability car (lease runs out January 2024) which I am obviously stressing about losing if the DWP decide I don't get any points again as it took a year to get to Tribunal last time and I can't be without a car for that long! But at the same time I don't want to apply too soon as I am awaiting an assessment for Autism which could help to explain why I can't do some of the activities (I was awarded due to ME/CFS, POTS and Anxiety the first time and it was such a battle). I was also diagnosed with ADHD (Combined Type) last year so I am hoping that will also help when it comes to explaining why I cannot do certain things.

Would they accept a self-diagnosis for Autism as it is just the assessment and professional confirmation that I am autistic that I am waiting for, but having spoken to my GP and my family we are pretty much 100% sure that I am autistic.

I also know I need to do the renewal as if it is a proper application again and not to just say nothing has changed. If anything I am worse than I was in 2020 when I initially applied, but I will be filling out the form as a new form.

I apologise for all the questions and how all over the place this is, I am getting anxious about it all. It's been nice not having to worry about it for the last couple of years!


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited January 2023
    Following a tribunal award you will normally not be sent a renewal form but DWP will write to you inviting you to make a new claim. This used to be about 14 weeks before the end of the award but you may want to contact them sooner than that.

    PIP is assessed on the difficulties you experience, not on a diagnosis.
  • laurapeach
    laurapeach Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 114 Empowering
    calcotti said:
    Following a tribunal award you will normally not be sent a renewal form but DWP will write to you inviting you to make a new claim. This used to be about 14 weeks before the end of the award but you may want to contact them sooner than that.

    PIP is assessed on the difficulties you experience, not on a diagnosis.
    Oh no I completely understand it's based on difficulties, but it is notoriously difficult to get it for ME/CFS and I would hope that they would have a bit more of an understanding of how ADHD/Autism can make life more difficult.

    Thank you for the information, I will probably contact them around June time.
  • laurapeach
    laurapeach Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 114 Empowering
    tomm said:
    If it get's treated as a Renewal , you will be sent a AR1  form  for renewal upto 11mths prior

    to the End date of the award, If they don't send a renewal AR1 , they will send you a letter

    inviting you to make a NEW claim Via the new claims call line  around 6 mths prior to the end

    date , If they don't extend the current award automatically ( which is a temporary solution  

    due to the current backlogs ) your award will end and payments will cease which was normal

    proceedure ,

    They will accept evidence from any  specialist , Though PIP is not awarded for a diagnosis , it's how

    the health conditions affect your day to day life such as the impact on your ability to carry out any

    of the descriptors to a safe and resonable standard  repeatedly and reliably  and how often,

    Renewal or new claim  provide as much detail as you can maybe get help from a Welfare rights or

    CAB adviser  filling in the forms  they may phrase things better for you too,

    Try not to dwell on it too much until nearer the time, you are not alone many of us have gone

    through  the same things, and don't hesitate  asking querstions , many on here will be glad to help

    if they can i'm sure

    Thank you very much for replying! I understand it not being based on diagnosis, I just hoped they might take ADHD/Autism more seriously than ME/CFS as I do have a lot of issues with people believing how severe it is.

    I will definitely be getting welfare rights or CAB adviser involved this time, I tend to waffle on a lot and don't always know how to word things to get across how things affect me. I also struggle with relating it to real world experiences I've had when trying to attempt the activities so they should be helpful.