Neighbor bullying me

louise321 Scope Member Posts: 58 Contributor
I have suffered a brain injury, my neighbor below me is very nasty to me says I’m stupid and thick and always points to her head when she sees me saying the above. I can’t really risk complaining as I don’t want to put my tenancy at risk as I do feel safe where I live apart from this woman who isn’t nice at all & is disliked by many of the neighbours, even called me a b*itc* & a waste of space earlier.  She also spits in my garden & throws rubbish into it too.  I’ve never given her any reason to dislike me. But I always try and be polite because then she has no reason to complain about me. Also to get to my garden I have to walk past her house. She also slams doors, has her tv really loud & since my accident I do get very stressed and anxious & often struggle with making decisions. What would you do? Thank you for reading. 


  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,675 Pioneering
    edited February 2023
    There's loads of stuff you can do, collecting evidence is useful (do it covertly if possible, plenty of technology out there), as Woodbine says, don't suffer in silence, you have a lot to deal with already. The Council is ultimately responsible regardless regardless of the type of housing.
  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    Hi @louise321

    I'm sorry you're experiencing this behaviour from your neighbour. It isn't acceptable and is a form of hate crime that needs reporting to the police, if it hasn't been already. I understand your apprehension around doing this, but want you to know the police will fully support you and speak through any concerns you might have.

    Citizens advice also have a brilliant information page about what to do if your neighbour is harassing you that I'd recommend reading. In addition to woodbine's strong advice about keeping a diary record.

    I'm going to email you shortly to offer more support so please keep an eye out for that.

    Best wishes and take care.
  • louise321
    louise321 Scope Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Thank you for your response. Means a lot to me as wasn’t expecting this. I should have mentioned I live as a private tenant and have an amazing landlord but he’s keen to sell the house when I leave as he’s had enough of the woman downstairs as she’s the leaseholder of the land and has caused him a lot of problems. Thank you again 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,666 Championing
    Hi @louise321 that's a shame you have to deal with people like that.  I would keep a diary too. Its a shame your landlord can't do something.
  • louise321
    louise321 Scope Member Posts: 58 Contributor
    Thank you for your comment, I’ve started a diary today and set my camera up so I can get evidence & put a stop to this horrible behavior hopefully. 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,675 Pioneering
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,412 Championing
    I'm so sorry to hear that you are getting harassed I got emotionally harassed on a website on 7 cups it's horrible I was in tears and never came back on the site ever again I was there as a listener to help people with mental health issues not to end up in a crisis. I reported it don't know what has happened to it though. I can feel your pain though sweetie. 
  • Fin1
    Fin1 Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    Hello @louise321 I'm very sorry to here about your neighbour problems it must make you feel very anxious and unsafe. For the last six months I had to deal with anti social behaviour from my neighbour. He was not very well and I had to move out for a week due to him giving me death threats. It turned out in the end that I got him into hospital because his CHMT left him. There was a mess in the communal area and all his belongings were scattered on the front lawn. I got the police involved several times, I got my local Mp involved and Wandsworth adult services and the housing association were doing things in the background. The other tenants could not be bothered. It is a form of harrassment and I advise if you can to contact you mp and local council. Say you want to be anonymous. If you feel overwhelmed advocates for you can do it for you. Please don't think no one can help you. I know the horrible feeling of being targeted so you don't have to live with that. Your neighbour is being horrible and anti social and don't accept it's a civil thing. Please take care you have been through more than enough.