Stevejh40 Community member Posts: 8 Listener
I received a note on my UC journal this afternoon saying that in 10 days I’m to have a Compliance Telephone interview to check that I’m applying and receiving correctly the benefits I currently have. 

I suffer from extreme anxiety and depression and although I can’t think of anything that I’ve done wrong it’s making me physically sick that I have to wait 10 days to find out what this is about.

just after Christmas I had to have a work capability assessment….two weeks ago I received a letter saying that I’ve been deemed not fit for work and placed in the LCWRA support group and I’ll receive additional universal credit.

I developed a DVT back in early December and which I declared on my UC journal and although I was working 15 hours a week I physically couldn’t work due to the DVT and send doctors notes to DWP each month I was signed off.

My only error could possibly be that I completely forgot to declare on my journal that I had resigned from my job due to my DVT and only updated and declared this on my journal today.

I can’t think of what I’ve done wrong to cause a compliance offer to call me? I declared my part time job when I started work, i declared my change of health regarding the DVT, I’ve sent sick notes to the DWP every month from my GP.

I told the truth when I had my Work Capability Assessment based on my condition that day and in the past….they decided to give me LCWRA as their decision. 

Could it simply be that I forgot to declare I’d stopped working? 

This is worrying me sick, not knowing why this is happening and I’ve got 10 days to wait for the interview.

Any advice?


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    Stevejh40 said:
    I can’t think of what I’ve done wrong to cause a compliance offer to call me?
    You haven’t necessarily done anything wrong. compliance Interviews are often random are effectively DWP auditing awards.
  • Stevejh40
    Stevejh40 Community member Posts: 8 Listener
    Thank you Calcotti,

    I’ve read a few similar posts on here from people who had this Compliance Telephone Interview letter and none of them said it was a random call which is now making me even more anxious 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Calcotti is correct a lot of them are completely random. Out of interest did you first claim UC during the pandemic? 
  • Stevejh40
    Stevejh40 Community member Posts: 8 Listener
    Yes I started my claim about 4 days after the first Lockdown was announced 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited February 2023
    Stevejh40 said:
    I’ve read a few similar posts on here from people who had this Compliance Telephone Interview letter and none of them said it was a random call which is now making me even more anxious 
    The claimant will not know if it is random or not unless there are told there is a special issue.

    In y our case if you claimed while normal checks for new claims were suspended DWP are working through all such claims to check that they have been setup correctly. Again, it doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong.
  • Stevejh40
    Stevejh40 Community member Posts: 8 Listener
    Ah ok, maybe that’s what it is then? 

    I’m going to try and call the number on the letter, the compliance officer who left the msg on my journal gave a name and number so I’ll call tomorrow morning to see if they can give me any further information. 

    I’ve scoured through my journal and I can’t see that I’ve done anything wrong. 

    I claim PIP, ESA and Universal Credit and up until January this year I was working 15 hours a week.

    I declared I was working, UC have been deducting 0.55p for every £1 I’ve been earning, when I was off sick with my DVT I sent the sick notes to DWP and sent them on my UC Journal.

    I’ve had my Work Capability Decision only two weeks ago…..all I forgot to do with report that I’d left my job due the DVT condition which I’ve now declared 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing

    I'm so glad Poppy and Calcotti were able to help you with your query :) I hope you managed to call through ok and get more information.