Assistive Equipment & Bespoke Solutions - Sharing Sources of Support

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Able2Wear Wheelchair Clothing – Able2wear supplies specialised wheelchair clothing and accessories and have a unique collection of garments that ranges from waterproofs to underwear.  They can also make something unique to suit your needs.

Allied Mobility – Allied Mobility is the leading wheelchair accessible vehicles specialist for the UK and Ireland. They supply a wide range of wheelchair car, MPV and minibus models and can offer free wheelchair accessible vehicle home demonstrations.

Barrier Components – Add security and reliability to your home with gate locks and other products from Barrier Components.

BIME Designability – Bath Institute of Medical Engineering have a developed prototype for a baby carrier that will attach to the front wheelchair carrier.

DEMAND – Design & Manufacture for Disability. Design and manufacture one-off pieces of equipment.

Mobility Superstore – The Mobility Superstore is an online store with 6,000 products designed to enable independent living, including Bathing & Showering, Toileting, Personal Care, Beds & Chairs, Comfort, Health & Leisure and Around the Home & Kitchen. Ramp People – The Ramp People disabled ramps and wheelchair ramps are among the UK’s best-selling disabled ramps and are used extensively in the NHS and the healthcare and nursing home industries.

REMAP – Technical Engineering for disabled people – Can adapt mainstream equipment free of charge

Cosyfeet - Footwear specially designed to fit swollen feet, welcoming Health Professionals to request free resources to help you help your patients

EA Mobility - Specially designed bathroom solutions for people with mobility needs, working with Occupational Therapists and other Care Professionals that have clients needing to make significant changes.

Baldertech UK - The manufacturers and suppliers of Balder powerchairs.

Rollz - Rollators to support an active and independent life of people who want to continue living in style.

Opera Beds - Support people with limited mobility, a disability, or a long-term condition. Their dedicated team finds the right solution to enhance the quality of life for users, care providers, and family members.

TherapyGyms -The team of Adaptive Exercise Professionals support members to exercise safely and achievably in suitable environments, following effective exercise programmes. They collaborate with physiotherapists and other healthcare practitioners to support exercise and movement goals.

If you know of other sources of bespoke or appropriate support,please share below
