Poem - Its my wife's birthday.

onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 865 Pioneering
Well another poem I'm afraid, but it is my wife's birthday 25/02/1953. so I could not resist:

  Its my wife’s Birthday tomorrow.


Its my wife’s birthday, it has come round so fast

I want to say I love you, but I’m living in the past.

I need to give her something, for all the strife I’ve caused

And hope that all the disagreement we had, can be put into the  past.


I could replace those broken things, that were thrown at me

But really I deserved it, and am just glad that some had just missed me.

I could buy her some flowers, that are hard to find,

Like red roses, as I hear she likes them, through the grape vine.


I could buy her chocolates, or something to wear inside.

And know that she will say, that really does look divine,

But on the inside, thinking, I can’t put that on the cloths line.

Cos the neighbours would ask where’s the other bit? Is it still Inside?


I always get her something that I think she wants

But really I am guessing, that seems to be my response.

Because I want to get her that special present from me

I need to sit down and have a cup of tea.


I must remind myself of who I’m buying for

And remember its her birthday, I don’t want things to go wrong

I might need something stronger, to get me thinking fast

By the time I’ve had a few more, I certainly won’t remember the task

Oh come on brain please help me get past this simple task.

And get a simple present for my other half.


I’ve had a little think, about the problem I have

And don’t know why I’m worried, I cannot tell a lie.

My wife loves me, because of who I am

I’m simply her husband and have been for a while.


I’ve known her since she was 16, and just come out of school

And met her by Roath Park Lake, she was just walking round.

Its just come to me as to what I need to make the day so special

I’ll take her for a meal, overlooking that lake, just near where I had met her.


Its problem solved, I knew I would, find that special gift.

The one that says I love you even after all this time.

The memories that I have, were as though it was yesterday,

Another day to remember on this her newest birthday.


HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE………  I just got you this card.   O K?



