Hi, my name is Breacon!

Breacon Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
Hi All,
I'm new to this, so hoping, it is a supporting advice centre & Forum.
Just wanted to mention, that I have battled this broken system, that we call the benefit system, I have found the process, quite harrowing &  frankly traumatic.
I feel heart sorry, for Vulnerable people trying to navigate the system, I am new to the benefit system, unbelievably shocking to achieve any progress, no one answers a telephone, you are put on hold, for hours, to then, be cut of,
I'm sorry to sound so negative, but I am just recovering from the trauma of it all, & how these so called professionals, speak to people.
I have had six months of fighting, & only just managed, to avoid, mental health illness.
I know, I'm not alone, & I wouldn't want, anyone else to go through, what I have.
I would have found it easier, if I had known about the forum, as a way, to share & gain knowledge & advice.
Many thanks.


  • Breacon
    Breacon Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    I applied for pip back in 2022, with the help of CAB, I was refused pip, on the basis, you don't get pip for a diagnosis, looking at my original application, there really wasn't much info in terms of how my condition affected me, however I was happy to let CAB complete the form etc with my input.
    I rang & requested a MR, form, but was told another team, would look at it again. Not knowing any different, I was happy with this.
    Again I was refused.
    I feel I am not relaying, how my condition affects me, but I find it all bewildering as to what info they actually need.
    I am going to tribunal now, but wondered if I should just write a letter trying to explain in more detail, what info they are looking for. I have found the ordeal very stressful indeed. Is it better to explain how many days per week, I am affected etc etc etc.
    I feel it more about how you fill the form in....I would appreciate any help or advice, any one could offer.
    I really don't want the additional stress, of tribunal, but do feel, I should qualify for pip.
    I had a recent work capability assessment & was placed in the support group.
    Many thanks in advance to anyone, who can possibly help.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @Breacon

    Welcome to the community! I'm so sorry it has been stressing you out.

    When filling out the form it is about how your health effects your day to day. I would start there and make notes on how your day to day is. When you then come to fill out the form it could help you keep everything at the point. I'm so sorry that Citizen's Advice were unable to help you, have you tried calling Scope's Helpline
  • Breacon
    Breacon Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Hi Hannah,
    Thank you so much for your advice, I will try the Scope helpline, & follow your other advice also.
    In terms of CAB, they are a fantastic organisation, but in my case, I feel the lady who helped me, was perhaps not experienced in terms of benefits advice.
    Thank you again Hannah.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    No problem @Breacon

    If you need help with anything else, don't hesitate to ask :) 
  • Breacon
    Breacon Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Could you please confirm, that my info is kept private please.
    I don't want my e mail out there for public view.
    Could you please advice.
    Many thanks.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    Breacon said:
    Could you please confirm, that my info is kept private please.
    I don't want my e mail out there for public view.
    Could you please advice.
    Many thanks.
    No one can see your information. The only ones that will have access to that is the scope team. 
  • Breacon
    Breacon Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    That's fine, thank-you.