Just An Update On Outcome Of Tribunal

Rhianjayne Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
As previously mentioned I had my PIP tribunal on March 1st after being given 0 points on everything, as well as MR not being changed.

I still have yet to receive the letter on the outcome, however, PIP has confirmed that the tribunal awarded me both components at enhanced rate until Sep ‘26. Obviously DWP may well appeal it. Until receiving the outcome letter etc, I am not going to be relieved. 

This has left me with quite an angry feeling though… I started my application in September ‘21 and have deteriorated so much with my health.. had they of assessed me correctly, I could have paid privately to get the help I desperately want and need. 

The DWP NEEDS to make sure these ‘assessors’ are appropriately trained to, essentially interview, claimants. Their system, as we all know, is not working as it should. I understand there are people that claim PIP completely unnecessarily, just to get a bit of money, but the legitimate claimants shouldn’t be penalised for that. *rant over*

So I’ve gone from 0 points to goodness knows what, to be able to awarded enhanced on both (which I really wasn’t at all expecting). The first thing I shall do (providing DWP are idiotic enough to fight the tribunal) is book myself in for a well earned spa weekend (should I muster the courage to go 😂)


  • Lou67
    Lou67 Online Community Member Posts: 8,674 Championing


    Awww so pleased you won your tribunal, just sorry you had to go all the way to tribunal to be awarded.
    But glad you can now get the help you’re needing.

    And you should definitely go for the Spa weekend once you get your back pay which will be a decent amount after the time you’ve waited. 

    Take care and well done ❤️
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    edited March 2023
    Well done.

    I got 'zero', the assessors left, I think I might have got some points, if not for the assessor. They are doing a MR which the DWP have taken upon themselves to do, when I told them in writing, that I will contact them again. I've just sent some recent medical reports from consultants. I'm going with their 'agenda' which I believe they have.  

    How can anyone go from 'zero' points to getting PIP, a flawed system, just my opinion.
  • Rhianjayne
    Rhianjayne Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    It’s crazy!!!

    I got my tribunal emailed to me thankfully and was awarded 16 for Daily Living and 20 points on mobility! I am completely floored by them awarding me these. I expressed that I desperately want to keep working, I told them I ‘power through’ the pain when walking etc so really shocked that they awarded me for the loving around. I got 12 for going out etc… my mental health is significantly bad… but again, may not of been this bad had I found appropriate treatment! 
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 739 Connected
    Something similar. I was previously awarded DLA High Care and High Mobility.
    I had to then claim PIP which resulted in nothing!
    I did an appeal and after sending the DWP a letter that I had received supporting my claim from the GP they offered Enhanced Care and Mobility.
    According to the assessor at the time they stated that I was as fit as a flea in everything.
    Just shows that they don't listen to what you say.

  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Thanks for sharing your update @Rhianjayne I'm sorry the whole thing has been such a stress to go through, but so pleased it's worked out for you now. 

    If you do go for that spa weekend, let us know what you get up to! :) 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    edited March 2023
    Thanks for sharing your update @Rhianjayne I'm sorry the whole thing has been such a stress to go through, but so pleased it's worked out for you now. 

    If you do go for that spa weekend, let us know what you get up to! :) 

    They'll get Champagne, Tofu and 'mud' treatment, the 'mud' will have been gathered from the far flung 'mud' flats of Ongar. Such joy.  :)  
  • Rhianjayne
    Rhianjayne Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    VERY PLEASED to say DWP are NOT appealing the decision made at tribunal. So happy and what a relief that can now leave my mind 😁😁👍🏼
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    Good news, well done.  :)
  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,127 Championing
    I can't get my head around the whole benefits system but by the looks of things it's all good. I just want to take this moment to congratulate you on this achievement and thank you for the update. 
  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    I can't get my head around the whole benefits system but by the looks of things it's all good. I just want to take this moment to congratulate you on this achievement and thank you for the update. 
    It's a mess, you don't have to be a 'mathematician' to know that, they want people to jump through hoops to frustrate them, you can't analyse the following stats in any other way, 23% MR's are successful, 73% of Appeals are successful.     
  • Rhianjayne
    Rhianjayne Online Community Member Posts: 18 Connected
    The assessment system is a complete joke! I do understand that they try to filter out the legitimate people from the fakes but when you have a LONG medical history of issues that have not resolved, and getting worse, you’d think they would take that into account! 

    Thank you by the way 😊