
alibongo51 Community member Posts: 37 Contributor
edited April 2023 in Benefits and income
hi all.ive not been on here in such a long time for various reasons.hope everyone is ok..i dont know if im asking in the correct place but,i received a letter saying from april my benefits will be so much but from august it will be without the sdp component? does this mean the decision has already been made even though i havent had my pip assessment yet?(they have my form just waiting on them contacting me now) thanks all


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,445 Championing
    edited April 2023
    No, it doesn't mean a decisions been made on a PIP review. It means that your current PIP award is due to end sometime in August so the SDP will show as being removed. However, your PIP will continue until a decision is made on your review. If by that time a decision hasn't been made then you can ring ESA to tell them your PIP has been extended so your SDP will just continue.
    You could be waiting quite some time for a decision on the review.
  • alibongo51
    alibongo51 Community member Posts: 37 Contributor
    ah thank you so much for explaining and replying ,much appreciated :)