UC online application - New Style ESA

JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 164 Empowering
A quick question - currently filling in the UC online application. As feared, in the Health Section there is no box to tick to state I am in receipt of New Style ESA (Support Group) Can I simply leave a message in the Journal ? Got the feeling they are going to start chasing me for fit notes when they are not needed.


  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,511 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @JonnycJonny. That's correct.
    In the relevant section of your application, be sure to indicate that you have a health condition or disability. Sometimes this will automatically prompt a 'to do' task requesting a fit note, but sometimes it's added manually by the Universal Credit (UC) team.

    Since you're already in the Support Group on Employment and Support Allowance (ESA), you do not need to provide fit notes to UC. Once you have access to your UC journal, it's a good idea to put a message explaining that no fit note should be required as you have a determind award on ESA and are in the Support Group and that you believe that this should be transitioned to Limited Capability for Work-Related Activity (LCWRA) on UC.

    However, mistakes can happen, and UC may try to push you to obtain a fit note. It's recommended that you do not submit a fit note as this can result in triggering a reassessment. Unfortunately, I've seen this happen a number of times. So, it's important to communicate clearly and assertively that you're already in the Support Group on ESA and believe you should be transitioned to LCWRA on UC. They should be able to check their system and sort it for you. 

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 164 Empowering
    edited April 2023
    Thank you - so for the question do you have a fit note ? I should put No and then once the application has been accepted I should immediately write what you have recommended in the Journal. At the face to face interview I suppose I can also remind them ?

    Why on earth is there no option to tick New Style ESA ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing

    Why on earth is there no option to tick New Style ESA ?
    It's not part of UC. It's the same as those transferring from Income Related ESA, there's no option for this either. As Adrian has advised, just put a message onto your journal.

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 164 Empowering
    Thank you Poppy - would it help to call the UC helpline once my application has gone through to remind them and take my ESA Award letter to the Job Centre claimant commitment interview ? This is all new to us.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    I don’t think ringing the helpline will be if any help. The most they will do is put a message onto your journal. 
    Yes, take your ESA letter with you to the JC when you attend. 
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,511 Online Community Programme Lead
    Try the note on your journal in the first instance, if they don't respond or don't respond favourably, there's no harm in giving them a call too.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    I helped a friend claim UC about a month ago. She's also claiming New style ESA in the Support Group. Her UC claim went very smoothly and her journal was updated very quickly with her claimant commiment changes to reflect the Support Group/LCWRA award.
  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 164 Empowering
    edited April 2023
    Thank you Poppy. How did you get round the fit note question when doing the online form with her ?  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    She didn’t provide one. She took her ESA letter with her to her local JC when she had her appointment. Later that day her UC commitments were changed. All this was done within 3 days of starting her claim. 
  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 164 Empowering
    Forgive me Poppy - I am not asking whether you provided a fit note - my question is how you answered the question on the online form - Do you have a fit note ? I do not want to fall foul of a bot that sends out a UC50. I will definitely take my Award letter to the claimant interview - which should take place 7 days after submitting the form, am I right ?

    Thank you for your input.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    She answered no to the fit note. Then put a message on her journal. Yes the appointment she take place around 7 days but she had hers 3 days after submitting her claim. 
  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 164 Empowering
    Thank you for clarifying that