Hi, my name is andrew1982! just scored zero on a telephone assesment I've been on pip for 10 years

andrew1982 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
edited May 2023 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hello I'm andrew I'm 41 I've had chrohns since I was 21 I have just scored zero on a telephone assesment I've been on pip for 10 years I have kyphosis suffer from depression anxiety have lost half my bowel too chrohns disease I have asked for a reconsideration I feel they've lied an didn't understand my illness do mandatory reconsideration ever have positive outcome feel depressed even more cos they make u feel like your a liar it's ruthless 😢


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,223 Championing
    MR decisions have a very low success rate at only about 23%. For this reason the most likely outcome will be the decision remains the same. Timescales for decisions are up to 12 weeks. Once it's made you can then proceed with Tribunal if you're not happy.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    Hi @andrew1982 - & welcome to the community. Yes, some Mandatory Reconsiderations have a positive outcome, but sorry to say that rate is currently only about 23%. You have to go through a Mandatory Reconsideration, as you likely know, before you can appeal to a tribunal. The success rate with tribunals is far more encouraging, being over 70%.
    I'm sorry that you've been made to feel a liar; this will not be the case, just that the assessor formed their own opinion, & sadly they do get things wrong. However tribunals know of the poor quality of assessments such as yours, &, if it comes to this, you will have a chance to explain why you should be awarded PIP, having hopefully put your assessment behind you as a tribunal would not be interested in this.
    Kindly let us all know how you get on.
  • andrew1982
    andrew1982 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you I've got upcoming colonscopies an I've treatments for chrohns I've already wore a stoma before an this could be the out come again but it feels like everything these people want to know is not really linked to how chrohns affects people an how they can help it seems very ones sides the women who give my assesment never knew what chohns was but I've got a chance to tell my side if the Mr doesn't go my way I'm shocked I've had poor health for 10 years an one call with a person has caused me a lot of stress an worry its horrible 😢 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    Unfortunately PIP isn't based upon any diagnosis, tho I'm rather shocked your assessor didn't know what Crohn's disease was. They therefore don't concentrate on any diagnoses, rather how a person's functional ability is affected with relevance to the activities/descriptors that are looked at with PIP. You can see them again here: https://www.cambridgeshire.gov.uk/asset-library/personal-independence-payment-descriptors-and-scores-april-2022.pdf
    Hope your colonscopies go well, as you've certainly been through a lot, & I'm sorry for the stress you've also suffered. We're all here for you hoping to help.

  • andrew1982
    andrew1982 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Yeah that's it I'm not the best at describing these things to people I tried my best I told her I need help with a lot of things an when I'm flaring I have no energy an can't do anything but she just kept repeating same questions an it was honestly draining most things I don't like to tell peopel either cos it's embarrassing or shameful  so it's hard to say or get these points across 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    You're not alone in having difficulty describing some intimate problems, tho there's nothing shameful in the needs people have due to their disability. It's hard, but with some of the problems that are looked at with PIP, you do have to describe them.
    You mention a lack of energy when you have a flare. This could, & probably does, impact on some other of the PIP descriptors, so bear that in mind. If you can't do an activity 'reliably' (& here if it has a consequence such as being exhausted/in increased pain for example) then it's worth mentioning.
    If you're up for a longer read, please take the time to look here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-independence-payment-assessment-guide-for-assessment-providers/pip-assessment-guide-part-2-the-assessment-criteria   The concept of being able to do an activity reliably is ever so important, as well as trying to give a couple of detailed examples as to the exact difficulty you face.
    You can do this.

  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Hi there @andrew1982 and thanks for reaching out, I'm sorry to hear how stressful your PIP claim has been so far. I can see the community has been very supportive in replies, so hopefully this has helped to reassure you that you're not alone and not at fault.

    It's sounds as though this is having a negative impact on your mental health and wellbeing, have you spoken to anyone about how you're feeling? It might be worth speaking to your GP as well, as they can help provide additional support with stress and anxiety. 

    Well done for putting in an MR, if the result isn't what you are hoping for, you can still appeal to tribunal.

    I'm also going to tag my colleague @Cher_Scope, who can share her thoughts when she's next on the community, as she also lives with chrohns.

    If there's anything else we can do to support you, please ask :)
  • andrew1982
    andrew1982 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thanks so much for both of your comments I'm in touch with liverpool Council an they have put me in touch with a lady today who can help me if I need to go to tribunal which is positive hope I get some help would love to know how I've gone to zero from a phone call assesment scary but heard lots of it happening so I'll have to be patient an hope i get the help I feel I deserve 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    Good to hear you can get help with a tribunal if needed, & thank you for your update. I'm sure Cher will also give you the benefit of her insight & understanding about Crohn's, so do stay in touch. :)
  • andrew1982
    andrew1982 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    I've just had my decision back in writing an my paperwork an it's honestly the most annoying thing ever a person who is supposedly a nurse who done my assesment has lied an scored me nil for things like incontinence an help with medication when even in her notes she acknowledges the incontince an fanilycmembers helping me get dressed an inject me every week also said I stopped going to physio ehen covid cancelled all my physios for kyphosis an broken humerus these peopel who do these assesment are evil or liars or both my mental health is really suffered the past 2 days I bet they couldn't care less I hope I get to adress this woman personally at tribunal she is not fit to be a health assessor if she can't even follow her own observations scores zero after noting I have incontinence there is no way someone with 20 years of chrohns disease an experience of the illness like my self would be so wrong on these matters it's really made me literally sit an cry made ti be a liar would love her to feel what it's like to be in a person with chrohns disease shoes is like I've had half my bowel remove stoma bag on for 18 months severe pain an damaged skin but she's skating over all that to meet her quota no faith in people these days hope someone with knowledge reads the reconsideration if not I'm sure at tribunal my case will be heard fairly feel ill from looking at the forms 😢
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    Oh, I'm so sorry. Sadly the assessors often get things wrong, but, as you likely can't prove they had the intent to lie, please leave their report behind you, & concentrate on the way forward. If you do decide to go for a tribunal, it's very unlikely anyone will be there from the DWP, & certainly not the assessor. There will just be a judge, a Dr, & someone with an understanding about disability, then you'll have a chance to explain exactly how your disabilities affect you.
    Hopefully it may not come to that. You'll have to wait to hear about your Mandatory Reconsideration first.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing

    I am so sorry that you had to go through an assessment like that. I have IBD and now live with a stoma and I remember how hard it was getting somebody to listen, let alone understand how it affects me everyday. 

    Tribunal is different, as chiarieds said above, there are more people there to talk to and I have found being on this forum, more people feel better after speaking at Tribunal than they did the assessment. I will keep everything crossed that your Mandatory Reconsideration finds in your favour first 🤞
  • andrew1982
    andrew1982 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you it is helpful being in this group an speaking to people who have gone through this am have a knowledge of it 👌