Rheumatoid arthritis and PIP

amy143 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
Hi I got rheumatoid arthritis 
Iv been advised to do PIP witch I have got form and filling in any tips would be appreciated 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,036 Championing
    PIP isn't awarded based on any diagnosis. What they look at is how your conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities.

    When filling out the forms, you should include a couple of real world examples of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you. Adding detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were. You should aim for at least half an A4 side of paper per descriptor that applies.

    Any extra evidence you have to support your claim should be sent with the forms because they very rarely contact anyone for any evidence.

    It's always helpful to have some understanding of the descriptors and what they mean when filling out the forms. Have a read of this. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-independence-payment-assessment-guide-for-assessment-providers/pip-assessment-guide-part-2-the-assessment-criteria

    Make sure you keep copies of everything you send and put your name and NI number on everything. If you need extra time to return the form you can ring to ask and they'll extend it by a further 2 weeks.