Any advice for a occupational health meeting

BenBroad Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited May 2023 in Work

I'm currently signed off work with depression and anxiety, I work [Removed by moderator - privacy] as a customer service advisor and never really had much of a social life (besides being involved with an Astronomical Society every Friday)  having Dyspraxia and Autism.  I'm already on stage 3 warning for attendance and when I return to work I could be dismissed due to absence levels.
I've already joined a union to get some help supporting my case when I return.  I remember getting anxious over my role as it had changed a lot since i first started, initially it was just residential customers but then we were also given business calls where the queries could  be more complex and there was a general lack of support plus also we would be urged to make sure our talk time wasn't too low but I'd get a lot of simple calls like taking card payments, I was getting to the point of really feeling anxious. 
I think what I'm asking if anyone has any idea of reasonable adjustments and best ways to put across some of my mental health issues were related to anxierty over the work situation and since that has changed since I've been off then I can be more productive. 
Because I can certainly say the time off has been good for my mental health, I've resumed going to the cinema on a weekly basis, had counselling [Removed by moderator - privacy] and become even more active in [Removed by moderator - privacy] Astronomy Society other then being on its committee (been trusted with a set of keys so popped up a frew times recently to do some solar observing, and for someone who has had a passion for astronomy for years seeing the sun and all its features (sunspots, flares and more) is a delight.

Also on my mind I'm thinking is Call Centre work best for me as can be a struggle however its all I've ever done and have bills to pay including an IVA




  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @BenBroad

    Welcome to the community :) Just to let you know, for privacy reasons, I removed a few location comments just to keep you safe.

    I'm so sorry that work has impacted your mental health but glad to hear you have gotten support and continue to do more things you love. 

    You union may be able to advise what others in similar circumstances have asked when it comes to adjustments. I used to work a call centre job and when my health wasn't at it's best, we took my breaks and split them across the day a little more, which helped.