Your parking mistakes whilst using a BlueBadge.

BoredBoredBored Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
A little sidetrack from my BlueBadge rules thread.

What mistakes have you made whilst using your Blue Badge to park? 

i.e Thought parking was free when you should have paid?
Pips on the kerb which you failed to notice your fault or not?
Overstayed the limit for health reasons?


Hoping this gets some comments that we can all learn from.

Thank you in advance.


  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 739 Connected
    I was parked on double yellow lines with my Blue Badge on display.
    Came back after an hour to find a ticket on the windscreen.
     Fortunately the traffic warden was across the road putting more tickets on cars, vans etc.
    I asked him why he had issued me with a penalty notice pointing out my car to him. His answer was that the front of my car was 2metres too near a  lane. Then he told me that I must allow at least 10metres from any junction.  I asked how he knew that my car was within the 10metre rule. He said that the 10metre line had been previously measured and a small white marker was painted on the kerb stone. I went back to the car and yes the front of my car had overshot the little white line by about 6'. That infringement cost me £75!!
    I now have a 15metre tape measure and when I park on any road I measure both the front and rear positions of the car to the nearest lane/road. 

  • littleacorn
    littleacorn Online Community Member Posts: 383 Empowering
    I have just got a parking ticket because I forgot to put my blue badge on the windscreen when I parked in a disabled bay.  All parking bays are free but because I didn't display my badge in a disabled bay I got a ticket. I have appealed but not sure what will happen. Has anyone else had this experience?
  • BoredBoredBored
    BoredBoredBored Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    littleacorn, was that a private parking company or a  council ticket?   Check the signage if its a private parking company it sometimes just states blue badge holders only with no stipulation to actually display it.

    Always worth an appeal.

  • littleacorn
    littleacorn Online Community Member Posts: 383 Empowering
    It is a private car park at a shopping centre and I have parked there for free many times. All parking there is free but this time I forgot to put the blue badge on the windscreen