Awaiting MR decision…

VET505 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected
Hi guys,
currently awaiting an MR decision I provided lots of evidence with the last lot of paperwork. But since then I have had an MRI scan and it’s come back abnormal and it turns out I have a fractured vertebrae I’ve been in pain the last 5 years and it says it shouldn’t last 3 months so not only am I confused about that I’m in agony daily don’t think I’ll get a sciatica diagnosis as no discs are damaged but the pain is disabling don’t know where I go from here drs are ****.
anyway should I let pip know about the fractured vertebrae or is it not worth the hold time? Thanks I’m advance  


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,226 Championing
    You need to be very very careful when ringing PIP for things like this because they could send you more forms to fill in and return, rather than just taking this as additional information for your MR.

    PIP isn't about a diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities that count. If they were already aware of the issues with your back then you can send them evidence of the diagnosis, if you want. Or you can keep that evidence and use it for the Tribunal. (if needed)
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @VET505 I am so sorry to hear about your MRI results. Can I ask, have you got support around you? Has the doctor referred you to anyone else to help further? 
  • VET505
    VET505 Online Community Member Posts: 36 Connected

    ive spoke to a dr today got an appointment Thursday I’m hoping to get on the waiting list to see a back specialist 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @VET505 Keeping everything crossed for you! :) Please keep us updated <3