Hydrotherapy pool

andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 78 Contributor
Hi - Our local hydrotherapy pool in Bedford has been closed and the only local option is to pay privately which cost around £450 for six sessions! Does anyone know any hydrotherapy pool near Bedford that I could use?

Thanks in advance.

Andrew K


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @andrewuk I'm so sorry to hear the local one has closed! Did they give a reason as to why they closed it?
  • andrewkuk
    andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 78 Contributor
    Hi Hannah - I sat on a patient panel with our local health authority because they had closed it. We offered a more affordable solution to get the pool back up and running but they said it's was 90k for a new boiler as it's very old. 
    It's such a shame as I have personally had hydrotherapy since I was young and the benefits have always been so much better than typical land physiotherapist. There are loads of pools for dogs around our area but not for humans! 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    That is such a shame :( I hope one opens up that's cheaper or someone donates a boiler! My dog uses a hydro pool for her joints. Is the one that's private part of a gym / fitness company? 
  • andrewkuk
    andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 78 Contributor
    It's a private company and have a long waiting list and obviously very expensive.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @andrewkuk Could your local MP help you with this at all? Maybe to find the money for the boiler? 
  • andrewkuk
    andrewkuk Scope Member Posts: 78 Contributor
    I have emailed them but it seems difficult to get any information from our local health authority. I know some physiotherapists are on the fence to the effectiveness or hydrotherapy but I have had some really good results. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @andrewkuk It may be worth having a read of a few journals. From what I remember from my university days, they tend to have the most up to date statistics :)