
Marymay Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
edited September 2023 in Housing and independent living
Hi, how will the law take into consideration my disability regarding dividing assets etc.
I can't work, there's around 200,000 equity in property my stbx is younger and has another partner which he had been in a relationship unbeknown to me for yrs prior to him leaving.

We moved house then 3 weeks after that he moved out, it was a very controlling relationship, we moved for his work now I'm isolated no family or friends close by.

He has destroyed just about everything and is lying on all legal forms, he's claiming I threw him out, it would be funny and laughable if it wasn't so setious.

If all the costs have to come out of the equity there won't be much left and definitely not enough to buy some where else.
He has ran up thousands of debt, impressing this woman and expects that to come out of the equity too.
How will the courts likely to view this. I cannot go on the housing register, private renting is impossible to afford, could some one give me some kind of guidance, my solicitor us costing thousands as he has to keep asking for evidence as my stbx is doing everything he can to make me have nothing, he was and is spiteful that way


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    Hi @Marymay - welcome to the community. I'm sorry you're going through the stress of this all. Your lawyer should get you to do a Financial disclosure, & if your partner has a lawyer he should also have to do one. These are then exchanged so you can then see if there are any discrepancies. The fact you have a disability should also be mentioned. You usually try for an equal division of any assets including property & any monies you might both hold in a bank or building society, etc; if it goes to court this is the normal expectancy.
    As far as the property goes it will depend if it's in one name, or both, on the title deeds.

  • Marymay
    Marymay Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi thanks for response.
    Financial disclosure is a joke most of his has been hidden, pages missing etc.

    I've not hidden anything I've been completely upfront but them that's me, and if I'm honest it's never got me anywhere in life. It seems to be the more you lie the more your liked.
    It's supposed to be a declaration of truth yet there is not one single truth on his and they can be proven I can't understand why anyone would do that especially if they wish to prove I'm the problem, which I have to say I'm not the problem I never have been yet I'm blamed for absolutely everything, I know this is his usual behaviour so uts been no surprise to me he couldn't lie straight in bed. Lol

    The house was my house to begin with but I was convinced to put him on the mortgage, ( that was when he was pretending to be decent person) I realise now he never was.

    I guess I have to live with it, being conned that is

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,683 Championing
    if you can prove that his Financial disclosure is anything but accurate, then your solicitor should use it; it should also be fully completed. It's a shame his name is also on the mortgage.