Housing issues

Regmo Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
I used to work a full time job before I became disabled.  I'm currently living in a group home and the landlords are bad people. They are irresponsible and don't keep the place up. One time I filed a complaint with my social worker and the landlady said if I ever do that again she would evict me. The landlords are habitual liars and don't care about sick people. They use sick people as a way to make money. I used to have a lot of friends but they gave up on me a long time ago. At least I have technology. I have no idea how disabled people survived before technology. The landlords serve meals at irregular times, which causes me emotional distress every day. Irregular meal times can cause diabetes.  If I accuse the landlord of trying to give me diabetes she is going to give me an eviction notice. The floor in the living room is filthy and needs to be mopped. I have PTSD and there are a lot of loud random noises. I worry about my safety every day.  I don't feel safe in my own home. 


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @Regmo

    I'm so sorry to hear about the situation you are in. I would encourage you to reach out to your social worker again, and I'd add your local MP in on the email too. I would also encourage you to reach out to Shelter if you do not feel safe. They can also provide more housing advice, to see what options are available to you.

    Just to say, I looked on the NHS website and found that irregular meals doesn't give you diabetes. I believe the information out there about risks of diabetes and irregular meals (not irregular meal times) are connected to those who already have or a predisposed to diabetes. I hope that eases your mind a little. 
  • newborn
    newborn Online Community Member Posts: 828 Trailblazing
    You sound unhappy, I'm sorry.  Is there a way you can do something to help yourself by helping others? It is known to be the best way for some depressed people to become happier, so it might work for you too.  You mention that a floor is dirty and needs mopping.  Maybe you on your own or you and one or two of your fellow tenants could arrange to keep it clean, so your own spirits are lifted, and the house is more pleasant for everyone. When your landlady has less work to do, perhaps she would be happier, too?

    It is brilliant that you can see the good side in things, even when you are so downhearted, and you appreciate having your technology. You are spot on, there, as you say,  we really are very lucky now, aren't we?

    You say you have your own social worker, so there is someone on your side, which a  lot of people don't have. You don't mention the relationship you have with your fellow tenants, but perhaps it is better than being totally isolated and alone, which millions are, especially old or/and disabled people.  Your landlady certainly doesn't sound like a bundle of laughs, does she? But there again, millions would give anything to have a roof over their heads, so even a rather difficult landlady is better than none!

    It is much safer, too, to have a home than to be homeless. Hating random noises is understandable, and it is impossible to find silent places to live, so perhaps you could make your own little bit of the world at least a bit quieter, by using noise cancelling headphones or just plain cheap earplugs, so even if the sound is not cut right out, it will be muffled, and not be so startling?.  
  • CATP
    CATP Online Community Member Posts: 86 Contributor
    hi @Regmo i am sorry you are having to cope as you are right now,hold some hope and dont let go of it! youll eventualy get out of this problem when people in the right places start to listen,it can take a bit of time though especialy if none of you have got family members who can add a bit of weight to  your complaints.

    have you got a family member who knows your situation well,or a good friend?
    im guesing your home is registered under the CQC (in order to offer care,if theyre unregistered they can be done for that alone) what anoys me is CQC take whistleblowing by our familys,friends etc seriously but when it comes to service users we are not treated as reliabble witneses.we are told we can only complain to the management of our service when some of them are so corupt and only pretend to care with issues when your family or CQC are due a visit.
    give this link to someone who can help you report them- https://www.cqc.org.uk/contact-us
    my mum rings the newcastle HQ to report issues in my service,and in my experience its always the very next day the service management and staff are kicking off at me for telling my parents,trying to gaslight me-makeing me feel having classic autism and learning disability mean i dont have the capacity to understand anything.

    it is possible to make your own flat sound proofed for free,as long as its not privatly owned or a residential care home.it is called the disabled facilitys grant: https://www.gov.uk/disabled-facilities-grants

    i do really feel empathy for you as i live in a tip for a service myself and my social worker has been looking for a acesible (in many ways) LD service for many months.

    im wondering if this woud help you.?
    i have extreme sound issues as well as part of my autism,hyperacusis and tinnitus, i dont know if this woud help you or hinder your PTSD but my dad bought me a pair of sueno pro S 'behind the ear' (they look like BTE hearing aids) tinnitus maskers,unfortunatly theyre expensive theyre 800 quid for 2 but they play white noise, pink noise and the sound of waves overlapping in high quality sound-your choice on the sound and volume. you can get the batterys online in bulk but ive found them in argos when desprate.
    i was at the point of giving up on te world before these came and i personaly find them extremely helpful because theyve stopped my brain focusing on and getting super anxius on the noise created by some of the selfish service users here who bang out heavy bass speakers day and night which reverbrates threwout the whole building,the staff all lack the sensitivity or the care or hearing level to know just how much noise from anywhere can ruin your life.

    -when you live in supported living or somewhere else not privatly owned -like this horible land lord your with at the moment (id recomend finding somewhere else more suitable if youve got a good social worker who knows what you need and yes-you can find noise proof places or make a place up to be noise proof with the DFG) ,in terms of noise/sound you coud apply for your main room to be profeshnaly sound proofed and a triple glazed window in the main room. soundproofing in this way will make your room a little bit smaller (i was told this) and it costs around £10,000 for sound proofing a room,i dont know how much my window costed but the disabled faciltys grant will give you up to £30,000 if they can see you need it and are planning to stay for five years. they did me a wet room in this place-my mum who has stayed a couple of times here has taken advantage of it more than me as its not acesible for me,that says a lot when they get your care company involved.

     hope you get somewhere better, please feel free to chat to me if you need someone to talk to.