Bedroom tax

Amarie78 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hello the council put me and my daughter into a 3 bed house knowing it will be to big plus the bedroom tax charge is £86 for a bedroom I'm never going to use which with everyone struggling right now I am 1 of them plus £27.00 service charges I'm having to pay aswell nobody seems to be listening to me 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Why did they allow you to move into a 3 bed, if you only needed a 2 bed? Do you claim housing benefit or Universal Credit for help with your rent?
  • Amarie78
    Amarie78 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    I have no idea why they put me in a 3 bed house as I just came out of an very controlling relationship and was being financially abused aswell I'm on uc but they only pay £523 towards my rent and my rent is almost 700 I have an 9month old little girl to think about aswell I suffer from mental health problems aswell I can't sleep through worrying over money and I don't want to be struggling again like I was wen I was in a relationship 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,008 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @Amarie78, welcome to the community. I'm so sorry to read you've been struggling with your housing and nobody's been listening to you.

    I hope some of our members will be able to shed some light on what you could try next, but Shelter are often a good place to find advice on these kind of issues too.

    You might find this section on Discretionary Housing Payments useful to read through in case it might apply to you. 

    I'm going to move your post over to our housing section where members might be able to offer some more specific advice, but I really hope things start looking up for you and your little daughter soon :)
  • Amarie78
    Amarie78 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thankyou I hope they do 
  • Cowboyboots23
    Cowboyboots23 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    my Husband and myself live in a 2 bedroom bungalow. We moved just under 4 years ago from a 3 bed house. We were led to believe that we wouldn’t pay council tax as it was an over 60 property and we were both over 60. We didn’t pay bedroom tax for the first 3 years then when I took in a letter with pension update they started charging us £80 month and £21 service charge this meant I was paying more than for a 3 bedroom house. They tried to backdate bedroom tax £3000 but after I went it admitted it was their mistake it wouldn’t stand up in court so they squashed it. My husband and I sleep in separate rooms I am his carer and claim carers allowance. He has a heart problem. Sleeps with a sleep apnea machine which would keep me awake. I only get about 5/6 hours a night anyway. He suffers with rheumatoid arthritis in both his knees and this makes him kick out at night and he groans out loud a lot. He is also sometimes incontinent. I have bursitis in both my hips severe arthritis in my right hip. I now have been diagnosed with a problem with my spine which is ongoing. My husband is on PIP high level mobility and med daily care. With all this they still will not allow us the spare bedroom with no bedroom tax. It’s unbelievable.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    You mention council tax and bedroom tax, both of those are completely different things. For bedroom tax, you're exempt from that if you're both over state pension age (66)

    For council tax, most working age people have to pay something towards this, even when they claim council tax reduction. If you're both state pension age and above and claim Pension Credit you would be entitled to 100% council tax reduction, unless you live with other adults.

    As you're unable to share a room have you provided some evidence as to the reasons why you can't share a room? If not then I'd advise you to do that.

  • Cowboyboots23
    Cowboyboots23 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    sorry I just meant bedroom tax. We are both just turning 64. We cannot share a bedroom either as we both have medical conditions that affect us both. We have tried for not paying bedroom tax but been refused.