Cross Country Trains

MichelleJ1966 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
This is what happened to me today on the was so horrible and has set my Mental Health crazy this is what I have said to the company. Im very upset and disappointed in a member of your staff today. I use your trains regularly and always have my tickets. Today i had a pre booked ticket from Oakham to Cambridge at 1.40 but because the weather i decided to go earlier. I looked at the prices and it was cheaper so decided to get on. The ticket lady asked for tickets and as i needed to get Internet on she stood over me making me uncomfortable. I was struggling and she grabbed the phone from me and insisted I needed to show her the ticket and the railcard. I have just yesterday been informed i am registered disabled and my Mental Health is extremely bad. She carried on checking my phone to which I felt stressed and embarrassed. I had paid for return ticket. She was going on and on and I told her I would pay the rest of what I owed but no way was she having any off it and threw my phone at me and insisted that I pay 38. Please can you advise your staff on how to treat people as even if you cant see the disabled problem that Mental illness is also a disabled illness. I feel like crying now and feel humilitated and want to scream at the person who did this. I did whisper to her that I had a problem but she had no sense of Mental Health crisis. I have in writing from the DWP that I am ill. I will expect a response about this and I am prepared to get legal advice on this delicate matter. Also when I offered my ticket she asked me if I got on at the Pie Station.I'm guessing she meant Melton Mowbray this is also very degrading and not what I would expect from a member of staff. My phone is my life line and I think this is very personal. Its no different going through my phone than checking my hand bag. I was going to Cambridge to collect my letter of disability to get my rail card. At present I have the 2 for 1 as I usually travel with my husband. I am so distraught and will be contacting my local MP and Scope about this disgusting behaviour. I have never ever been treated by a member of your staff or anyone else like this ever. I expect to hear your comments on this.


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,203 Championing
    @MichelleJ1966 hi and welcome to the forum. That's not a great way to be treated by staff. Hopefully you get a response soon and see what they say 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @MichelleJ1966 and welcome to the community!

    That sounds like a very scary experience, I'm sorry that happened to you, that staff member was definitely in the wrong there. I really hope the train company get back to you soon with an apology. Are you feeling ok now? 
  • MichelleJ1966
    MichelleJ1966 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi thank you, they did reply and apologies were made. However they did not offer to reimburse me.
    I will write to them again and ask them what I have to do regarding my pre booked ticket home. To be honest im worried about that now.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Please keep us updated @MichelleJ1966 :) Hope travelling home goes a lot better to say the least! 
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
    This is what happened to me today on the was so horrible and has set my Mental Health crazy this is what I have said to the company. Im very upset and disappointed in a member of your staff today. I use your trains regularly and always have my tickets. Today i had a pre booked ticket from Oakham to Cambridge at 1.40 but because the weather i decided to go earlier. I looked at the prices and it was cheaper so decided to get on. The ticket lady asked for tickets and as i needed to get Internet on she stood over me making me uncomfortable. I was struggling and she grabbed the phone from me and insisted I needed to show her the ticket and the railcard. I have just yesterday been informed i am registered disabled and my Mental Health is extremely bad. She carried on checking my phone to which I felt stressed and embarrassed. I had paid for return ticket. She was going on and on and I told her I would pay the rest of what I owed but no way was she having any off it and threw my phone at me and insisted that I pay 38. Please can you advise your staff on how to treat people as even if you cant see the disabled problem that Mental illness is also a disabled illness. I feel like crying now and feel humilitated and want to scream at the person who did this. I did whisper to her that I had a problem but she had no sense of Mental Health crisis. I have in writing from the DWP that I am ill. I will expect a response about this and I am prepared to get legal advice on this delicate matter. Also when I offered my ticket she asked me if I got on at the Pie Station.I'm guessing she meant Melton Mowbray this is also very degrading and not what I would expect from a member of staff. My phone is my life line and I think this is very personal. Its no different going through my phone than checking my hand bag. I was going to Cambridge to collect my letter of disability to get my rail card. At present I have the 2 for 1 as I usually travel with my husband. I am so distraught and will be contacting my local MP and Scope about this disgusting behaviour. I have never ever been treated by a member of your staff or anyone else like this ever. I expect to hear your comments on this.

    I have found when I venture out into the world, mainly now for medical appts so dentist, clinics etc, that despite what the govt and the media tell us about society being better informed and more open to understanding and being patient with people with mh problems it isnt so. Very far from it. Last time I was at the dentist had abusive behaviour from the dentist, nurse and receptionist. No tolerance, they know my situation. So as a nation it seems we have a long way to go, maybe we are even sliding backward on our treatment of people struggling with mh issues. The govt seem to be at the forefront of this even.