Housing benefit - 18 years old how much

lostcherry Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
Hi im currently living in a foyer and want to move out and im just wondering how much will I be able to go up to maximum in rent on housing costs. I am 18 years of age And want to find out the maximum I can go up to in rent


  • lostcherry
    lostcherry Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Hi im currently living in a foyer and want to move out and im just wondering how much will I be able to go up to maximum in rent on housing costs. I am 18 years of age 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You can no longer start a new claim for housing benefit unless you're either living in supported or temporary housing. Help with the rent is now through Universal Credit known as housing element.

    I see from a previous thread that you're already claiming UC. If you privately rent then how much housing element you're entitled to will depend on what the Local Housing allowance (LHA) rate is in the area you want to live. 

    As you're under 35, if you're a single person then you'll be entitled to the shared rate of LHA. 

    If you're claiming either daily living PIP, DLA mid/high rate care or ADP daily living then you'll be entitled to the 1 bedroom rate of LHA.


    You can get the 1 bedroom self contained rate until you're 25 if you were in care when you were 16 or 17.

    You count as a care leaver if you had a pathway plan from social services when you left care.

    Social services can confirm your care history.


    You can check the LHA rates here. https://lha-direct.voa.gov.uk/ you will need to click that link, drop the box down to either shared or 1 bedroom, which ever applies to you and then put the postcode into the link. It will then tell you how much LHA you'll be entitled to.

    It shows the weekly rates so you'll need to work out the monthly rates. To do that you times the rate by 52 and then divide by 12.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Hello @lostcherry

    How are you today? I see Poppy has been able to help advise with your query. I also echo reaching out to Shelter, they have brilliant advisors :) 

    Just to let you know, I have merged your two posts together so everything is in one place for you :)