What gave you the hump today?

66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
@THE_DUDE suggested making this ... was a bit reluctant to post this as I am trying to be more positive but thought it could be a laugh

Today I was in a shop queueing for almost 20 mins because a very old lady at front kept trying to use her smartphone app to get money off and failing miserably .. she was convinced she was getting it right but no one could tell her her virtual coupons were not eligible .. then her card failed to pay, so after another 5 mins she reluctantly got out a bundle of cash and paid with that .. half an hour later we paid for our shopping.

In all seriousness it didn't actually bother me but it bothered the person I was with. I tried to explain look on the bright side at least we were not queueing at a food bank, count your blessings.

Looking forward to hearing your answers


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    I am all for positivity, but I'm also all about balance. We must be aware of toxic positivity too. ;) 

    But very true, I fully expect the poor lady also had the hump in that situation!

    Today, technology has given me the hump.  Anything Microsoft related appears to hate me today.  :D 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @Albus_Scope you need to come over to the dark side 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    @66Mustang I thought I already had? I used to have an iPhone. :wink:
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    PS that last symbol was an Apple. It just occurred to me it may instead appear as a "?" on a PC :#
    THE_DUDE Online Community Member Posts: 234 Empowering
    Nice1 @66Mustang. Got a food delivery today and ordered tropicana orange juice with juicy bits but came as original.  😶😒

    Also ordered a t-shirt that was too small when I put it on. I just go by what my usual size is as I can't go into stores with loads of people inside and try before I buy.

    Don't worry I'll be back with more tomorrow 😄
  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 754 Trailblazing
    I am going to have to think about this....
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,667 Scope Online Community Specialist
    Does this have to be non-political and just minor things that have bothered you? Otherwise there's too many to pick from for me.

    If so then uh, I splashed water all over myself when doing the washing up this morning.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @Jimm_Scope not really sure, if I get to choose I would say it can be as major as you like but maybe stick to "safe" topics which won't ignite a flame war

    Nothing has given me the hump yet today, I have had a good morning :smiley:
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    edited November 2023
    THE_DUDE said:
    Nice1 @66Mustang. Got a food delivery today and ordered tropicana orange juice with juicy bits but came as original.  😶😒

    In a supermarket they were selling orange with juicy bits for £0.80 and without for £0.60

    I like the juicy buts but went with the one that was 25% cheaper

    But I wondered why would it cost less to have the juicy bits removed? Surely that's an additional job for the company? Unless they in fact add the juicy bits in?
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,667 Scope Online Community Specialist
    I would be surprised if it was actually more expensive... Could just be odd sales shenanigans. Some algorithm has told them to lower, or increase, a price.

    I know the way it's made in the factory is they put it all in one tank with a set of filters that get more and more fine. The finest mesh only allows the juice through, the next mesh allows small bits through, the top mesh catches all the pulp too large as a very basic example.

    That said, while researching this question, apparently orange harvests this year were particularly poor due to weather issues in major producing countries (USA and Brazil mostly). So prices have gone up globally for oranges.

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,219 Championing
    Beings sick and having to cancel my day out tomorrow 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,032 Championing
    THE_DUDE said:
    Nice1 @66Mustang. Got a food delivery today and ordered tropicana orange juice with juicy bits but came as original.  😶😒

    This reminded me of my daughter a couple of weeks ago after i bought her orange juice with "juicy bits" she moaned that there weren't any in there, even though it stated there was on the label. The following day when she had drank half the bottle she said to me "the juicy bits are back now because i shook the bottle" :D maybe you can try doing the same ;)

  • AndyGT
    AndyGT Online Community Member Posts: 950 Empowering
    Visiting the WW1 battle sites and museums and seeing photos of men who were little older than 19 abd in some cases younger.... These people were amazing but should never been in that position. 
  • Steve_in_The_City
    Steve_in_The_City Scope Member Posts: 754 Trailblazing
    Some weeks ago I met a Jewish couple in an auditorium where the LSO were showcasing their latest masterpiece. The couple told me they had arrived in London that morning (Sunday) specifically to see the debut performance. They then went on to tell me about their feelings, fears and perspective. These are real issues to worry about and not trivia.

    A few weeks ago I met a wonderful Jewish lady in M&S. She told me all about her latest cruise and the worries she had about Putin, The Ukraine and Palestine and Israel. Later that same day I met a lovely lady from Palestine. She was carrying the Palestine flag and we had a chat.

    Today, Saturday 11th, I got delayed because the police were blocking roads denying people the right to protest. I didn't mid. I was proudly wearing my RBL badge. But I think people have a right to protest. I have protested myself on more than one occasion. It doesn't render me far right or an idiot.

    The matters that worry me are inequality, sexism, homophobia, violence, intolerance to people who want to protest, poverty, the state of the NHS (but not the wonderful people who work for it) and most of all homelessness.

    I don't engage in trivia. So what has ticked me off today is nothing. I am used to stupidity, trivia, and people who think others shouldn't have the right to protest.

  • teegee
    teegee Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Hello, I am in pain. Since Tuesday, Which one I don't know: pancreatitis, diverticulitis. IBS... I am just in pain. My dear son decided to light a fire in the communal garden. We sat there from 5 pm until 11.00pm. I did not see the time past. I drunk hot soup all the way through, passed millions of gas and had a great time really. Now, I am in pain again. It woke me up. I am back on codeine and paracetamol...and laxado. I am feeling so low. I decided to speak to you guys, but everyone is sleeping now.
    THE_DUDE Online Community Member Posts: 234 Empowering
    Lol poppy123456 and yes I shake it like I'm possessed but was still original 😅 

    Maybe because people like juicy bits more @66Mustang

    I've always wondered why I have to pay the same for size 8 trainers when size 12 get more material lol
    THE_DUDE Online Community Member Posts: 234 Empowering
    Very informative @jimm_scope

    I used to think they jumped on the oranges like grapes for wine 🤷‍♂️
  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 5,667 Scope Online Community Specialist
    edited November 2023
    THE_DUDE said:
    Very informative @jimm_scope

    I used to think they jumped on the oranges like grapes for wine 🤷‍♂️
    Possibly the way they used to do it? Though I imagine they probably used a giant press. Sort of hard to squish an orange with your foot I think, needs a lot of pressure.

    Now with everything industrialised, to make enough juice for millions of people it's all very mass-produced like so much these days.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    @Steve_in_The_City all very noble things to worry about I agree with you but maybe for another thread - my thread is for us "idiots" who do not take life too seriously and want to moan about trivia for fun :) 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Today I dropped a piece of buttered bread on my keyboard. Of course it landed butter side down.