Clubfoot DLA Application

looming Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
edited December 2023 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hi there,
wondering if anyone can help advise on applying for DLA for my son. He is 17months with a unilateral clubfoot. He had serial casting followed by an Achilles tenotomy and is now in boots and bar until at least age 5. He is not yet able to walk and the physios have also now noticed he is hypermobile. I am about to complete the DLA forms and wanted some advice. Many thanks 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    It is very difficult (not impossible) to claim DLA for a child under 3, especially young toddlers like this. You need to prove they need substantially more care and attention than a child the same age that doesn't have a disability.

    For the mobility part of DLA you won't be able to claim it until your son reaches 3 years old.

    Whether he's entitled to the care part will depend on how much more care and attention he needs during the day and/or night.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @looming - & welcome to the community. I just wanted to comment as a Mum to a son born with bilateral talipes equinovarus, & a granddaughter with unilateral talipes. The Ponseti method & Denis Browne splint are so good now compared to what my son had to go through. However, neither had problems with walking, & you would never know now that either had been born with this condition. With the splint & shoes, the most important thing is that you adhere to their use when he has a nap, & each night. 
    I also speak as a physio, tho long-retired, & as someone who has the hypermobile type of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; this I've passed on to my children & 3 grandchildren. Even in the same family there's what's called 'variable expression,' so we're all affected differently. My son doesn't have any problems with his feet (tho they do sometimes fall inward when he's tired); walks a mile into work & back most days, & you'd never know my granddaughter had talipes.
    You may find this of interest, & please watch the video at the end:
    I rather doubt your son would be thought to need more care than an 'average' child. I also wouldn't consider talipes a disability, as it's something that can be corrected. Regarding his hypermobility, is there any family history of this?
    Please don't be unduly concerned; your son 'may' walk a little later, but once he does, there'll be no stopping him!

  • looming
    looming Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thank you, that’s very helpful and glad to hear it hasn’t caused significant issues for your family. Yes I am hypermobile although not linked to any other diagnosis and generally not been overly symptomatic with it but seems my son so far is and the physio thinks this is possibly why he is delayed with his walking. Regarding the DLA the reason I asked about it is the health visitor mentioned it when he was a young baby and my colleague who has a son with a unilateral talipes told me about it as she has claimed since he was a few months old.