Chronic pain

Taylornoreen63 Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected
Hi im new to this page I suffer so much with chronic pain I am also suffering with osteoarthritis.throughtout my body. I had an MRI and my results came back I've got so much going on with my back.some days I can't do anything apart from lay in bed because it hurts to move. I will find out on Friday what I will be getting for the pain. 


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    As someone who also suffers from chronic pain (generalised osteoarthrosis like yourself, but due to having hypermobile joints) I can appreciate what you're going through. I don't know if you looked at this post in this chronic pain category, but I'm hoping you may find something in it that may be helpful:
    I personally use diaphragmatic breathing, the deep breathing exercise a lot, & it's the first thing I'd recommend. Often it's found that a combination of things work, so I hope you'll give the links within this post a read.

  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 205 Empowering
    I have been living with chronic pain for years and years. At first I used pain killers - tramadol for several years but I ended up with chronic headaches and it was less and less effective as time went by. I ended up weaning myself off it and using distraction and breathing techniques. I spent several years wearing headphones all the time to pin my attention on music or audio books rather than pay attention to the pain. I learned lots of languages too and listened in other languages. I am now fairly fluent in several of them as a bonus to being able to mostly ignore the pain. I just get on with things most of the time. I have had more trouble with fatigue since I learned those techniques than with pain. I run into an energy brick wall instead of a pain wall unfortunately:( But using time management I can maximise what I achieve with energy rationing. More problematic is that my gait has become odd and I shuffle and lose my balance unless I hang onto things or wave my arms around. Sometimes I struggle to make my legs move at all and have pins and needles as if I have had an anesthetic.
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,753 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @Taylornoreen63, sorry to hear you're struggling with your chronic pain. It looks like our members have shared some good advice so far. I hope whatever you find out on Friday is helpful and you can be a little bit more comfortable soon :) keep us posted!
  • Taylornoreen63
    Taylornoreen63 Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected
    Thank you Rosie - scope I will keep you posted 
  • agent_next_door
    agent_next_door Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I know it's been a little while,I really hope you got sorted with some relief, and are able to spend a little less time in bed.