What would you bring back?

Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator
I saw an article the other day that said Woolworths might be coming back to the high street. There's no firm plans, but after my beloved Wilko was taken away from me, I'd be happy to see some version of Woolies coming back to take its place. 

So that got me thinking. What discontinued item or closed-down shop would you bring back and why? It doesn't have to be from your childhood, just anything you miss and would bring back. Sweets, chocs, clothing, shops, anything!

I grew up in the 90s, and at one point there was a whole range of Willy Wonka themed sweets and chocolates. My favourites were Fizzy Jerks. They were kind of fizzy tasting sweets but hard-boiled and came in different flavours. I'd bring those back in an instant!

What would you bring back?


  • AndyGT
    AndyGT Online Community Member Posts: 975 Empowering
    Way back when I was a lot younger than I am now I can remember the local  BHS had a coffee shop and a small sweet section....

    That is what I would bring back.... On a Saturday morning I my Mum and Dad would always take in there for a cup of tea and cake and then a few pick and mix on the way out.   Making route for the local market to buy something from the butchers and also  box of broken biscuits.
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,096 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Sounds like a nice memory @AndyGT

    True, @woodbine! It's a shame watching the highstreets struggle. 

  • noman
    noman Online Community Member Posts: 1,745 Trailblazing
    Green Shield stamp shop!

    Anyone remember them?

  • JessieJ
    JessieJ Online Community Member Posts: 885 Trailblazing
    I'd like to see high streets go back to how they were, with actual stores not loads of charity shops or empty premises. Of course, Woolies, as well as C&A, Debenhams, BHS, Athena, the Gadget Shop.... I'm sure there are more, yes, just thought, Littlewoods, Dotty Ps. Yes, some you can still buy from online but that's not the same as having a mooch & feel.
  • AndyGT
    AndyGT Online Community Member Posts: 975 Empowering
    Not quite a shop but a decent out doors market...
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    I miss dotty ps @JessieJ it's not the same on line and been a favourite shop of mine for many years.  I liked BHS too especially there xmas novelty gifts. 
  • MW123
    MW123 Scope Member Posts: 928 Championing
    Anyone remember Chelsea Girl? all the girls I knew used to shop there, thinking we were at the height of fashion. We also frequented Faith shoe shop and adorned ourselves with those absurdly high platform shoes and wooden wedge summer sandals. Maybe they could reintroduce Chelsea Granny for their loyal early customers.
    THE_DUDE Online Community Member Posts: 234 Empowering
    Milky bar choo. I used to get them all the time.