Continuing healthcare

Wibbles Community member Posts: 2,006 Trailblazing
What exactly is "Continuing healthcare" ?
Who does it apply to
Is there any downside to it ?
It appears that no savings are taken into account ??


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Community member Posts: 543 Empowering
    edited January 28

    Usually applies to people with a high level of complex health care needs and it's funded by the NHS. 

    The bar is extremely high and CHC funding is difficult to get. Once awarded reassessments are normal, they can and do result in the funding being withdrawn if any improvement in condition is considered to have happened. Care is then passed onto the social care sector.

    Dementia usually won't result in CHC funding as it is not considered as a medical need to be met, rather one for the social care system. Supervision, help with personal hygiene etc doesn't meet the tough medical based criteria for CHC funding.