Cancelling an order

wkd Online Community Member Posts: 91 Contributor
Hi Everyone,

 I have been thinking of cancelling my order for a car, it's not ready until July and to be honest with my anxiety being so bad and not going out I am not sure I will use it much, so it doesn't make much sense to continue with the order. Has anyone had experience with cancelling an order and if so how much is the cancellation fee?  


  • wkd
    wkd Online Community Member Posts: 91 Contributor
    Thanks Guys. I am hoping there is no charge but if there is there is. It hasn't been built yet and is not due to be delivered until July. I guess there is too much time in the interim period to have second thoughts as i ordered it in January.

    Also, I am hoping to move shortly if I ever find a place. Where I live is very remote, I even have sheep where my back garden fence is, so I am very isolated,  I had heard the bah of sheep when I first moved in, but I live in a ground floor flat with a garden and couldn't see over the fence being so tiny.

    When my husband came over for Christmas he looked over my fence for me and he advised me that there were indeed sheep there, 5 white ones and one black one. I said why the black one? He said because it's the black sheep of the family. True story.
  • wkd
    wkd Online Community Member Posts: 91 Contributor
    Sorry I  ordered it in December, my brain is so frazzled