PIP Timeline, Text Updates and Advice

Pjharris84 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected
Hi All,

I just wanted to share my experience of claiming PIP.  When I was applying I had loads of questions and worries and searched for loads of answers, some of which I could find and some I struggled with.

So I applied for PIP September 20th 2023, this was on the back of losing an appeal to keep my PIP at renewal last time.  I had failed to properly convey the effects my disabilities had had on me since first being awarded, and had some really poor assessments, with a lot of untruths reported.

I had a telephone assessment 31/01/2024 with independent assessment services.  I requested that this be recorded.  I asked at the start of the phone call if I could record it, the assessor stated some rules I had to follow about how I used the recording, and it was allowed to be recorded.  I didn’t phone up before the assessment to request it, I just asked on the day.  It was noted on my assessment report that I had recorded it too.

The assessment was very thorough, the assessor listened and prompted me to give more answers, and repeated things back to me to ensure she understood. I was really encouraged by this, and the fact that the assessment took nearly 2 hours.  I was able to take breaks when I got overwhelmed, and time to compose myself when the emotions took hold of me.

 I had my notes in front of me so I wouldn’t forget the things I wanted to say, and made sure I interrupted the assessor if I felt she was rushing me through a point. I was so determined to say everything and make sure the message was consistent throughout.

On the 9th February 2024, I got a text from DWP to say they had received my report.  It turns out my report had been in Audit with Independent Assessment Services since 31/01/2024. 

I had a text message on the 26th February 2024 to say “we have not yet made a decision on your PIP claim…..”.  This is just a standard message to say it’s still in progress, sent exactly 2 weeks after the report was received by DWP. Having researched the DWP texts, it’s only so that you’re aware they’re still looking at the claim, it means nothing other than what it says and there is no set timescale for when you’ll hear back from DWP after this.

29th February 2024 - I received a call from an 0800 number.  I quickly googled it and it said DWP PIP, so I answered it and it was a decision maker from DWP.  The call was to check if I was ok receiving a large sum as my claim started in Sept 2023 and therefore, as I was being awarded, I was due back pay.  The decision maker told me I would be awarded that day and that a letter would go in the post that day as well.

1st March 2024, Text message from DWP “we have awarded you PIP….”
I called the PIP Helpline, used options 1, 5 & 3, went through security and got an automated message telling me my next PIP payment amount and the date it will be paid.  Based on this, I know I have been awarded Enhanced Daily Living and Standard Mobility.  This is exactly what the assessor had recommended based on my assessment.

I am hoping back pay will be with me by early next week.

So my advice to anyone is that you will get there in the end.  Don’t fret if other people are getting answers and moving through the process quicker than you, every case is different.  I had chatted with people whose assessments were the same day as mine, and their reports went back to DWP the same day, whilst mine went into audit and took 10 days from there to go to DWP.  I chatted to people whose reports also went to DWP the same day as mine, some of them got awarded within days, some weeks, some still waiting.  It’s all different because every case is different.

Don’t get hung up on the text messages, they’re only informing you of the stage your claim is at.  There are no timescales for when you’ll hear anything more, with the possible exception of the “we haven’t yet made a decision on your PIP claim” text, which seems to go out after a set period of time just to remind you that your claim is still in progress.

Gather as much evidence as you can, keep diaries of your daily life and any struggles you have, any help you need, prompting, aids, all of it.  Keep your GP up to date, and absolutely 100% focus on the effects your disability has on your daily life when you’re assessed.  Don’t just tell them about your worst day, give them specifics, “4 days out of 7 I cannot do this reliably or safely because….” You’ve got to be clear about what the issue is, what the effects on you are, and how often it happens.  

 I hope this helps people with some questions and answers. If I think of anything more to add, I’ll post again later.


  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @Pjharris84 I am so glad that you were awarded! <3 And thank you so much for sharing your story with us :) The tips are so helpful! 
  • Pixiebunny94
    Pixiebunny94 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Your comment has made me feel loads better x
  • Normang73
    Normang73 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    That's good of you too write all of that..I first applied 15th Jan 2024, had my assessment on 26th March, unfortunately it went to audit and is still there now (2nd may) I so want to contact DWP to see if they can help. I have read so many write ups and comments, but I've still not read a personal status saying it takes this long. Last time I phoned pip (3 weeks ago) a gentleman said I've not even had my assessment, but I told him I had. On top of my issues my anxiety is going through the roof. Worried I'll just be rejected.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    Normang73 said:
    That's good of you too write all of that..I first applied 15th Jan 2024, had my assessment on 26th March, unfortunately it went to audit and is still there now (2nd may) I so want to contact DWP to see if they can help. I have read so many write ups and comments, but I've still not read a personal status saying it takes this long. Last time I phoned pip (3 weeks ago) a gentleman said I've not even had my assessment, but I told him I had. On top of my issues my anxiety is going through the roof. Worried I'll just be rejected.
    I"ve personally experienced a PIP report being in audit for 6 weeks. 
  • Njb230861
    Njb230861 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    well done to you. i’m still waiting on mine. i already get pip but low rate and no mobility. my illness is a lot worse now so in april i applied to have it reassessed and sent the form off. had the independent assessment phone call 8 weeks ago. then 6 weeks ago i had a message from dep saying they have all the information they need now. but i haven’t heard anything since then.