PIP assessment report

destinymoon Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
I have received my PIP assessment report today. The assessor has ticked the descriptors totalling 12 for care component and 10 points  for mobility. Does the DWP usually listen to the advice of the assessor? Anxiously awaiting final decision for DWP now! Any advice most welcome. 


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,537 Championing
    The assessor's report is just a recommendation which the decision maker will take into account together with your claim form & any evidence you may have sent. Usually the decision maker does go with the assessment report, but it's also known for them to not do so.
  • destinymoon
    destinymoon Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    I have read this on other forums. I am so anxious about this. I started my first pip claim in October and have found it to be an extremely stressful, time consuming ongoing experience. I understand most people do too. Hate this feeling of low self worth due to ill health. 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,202 Online Community Team
    Hi @destinymoon, It's not a nice process to go through at all and can really take its toll on your self worth. Fingers crossed that your wait isn't too long and you get the result you're hoping for. Keep us posted :)
  • destinymoon
    destinymoon Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    I shall. Thank you 
  • destinymoon
    destinymoon Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    Giving  a lot of thought about the assessors report and how the decision maker may not agree with  the points advised. If the decision maker is not medical, and the assessor has to do the assessment for them, why would they not agree with the result? What would cause them to disagree with the points  awarded? 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,537 Championing
    Only a decision maker can award points, & remember that the assessor's report is only part of your claim & everything will be looked at before a decision is made.
  • destinymoon
    destinymoon Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    I see. I thought the assessor awarded the points for the decision maker to generally follow. Less positive about things now!! Thanks for replying 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,987 Championing
    The assessor has never awarded points, this is why any potentially recommended points are not added up in the reports. Before a decision is made the decision maker will look at everything you sent, including the report and then make a decision. 
  • destinymoon
    destinymoon Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    Ok thanks again. So anxious about this. Was feeling positive on receipt of the assessors report. Not so sure now! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,987 Championing
    This is one reason why we don’t usually advise requesting a copy before the decision is made. Even if it’s positive it still causes so much anxiety. 

  • destinymoon
    destinymoon Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    Yes it does! The whole process just takes so long. You read  about the terrible experiences others have had to face. Life is hard when you’re struggling with mental and physical health. Trying to make things better with limited capabilities.  Takes away all self esteem I think. 
  • destinymoon
    destinymoon Community member Posts: 130 Contributor
    Does DWP inform you by text if you are awarded PIP. I’ve mostly been updated by text and a letter only once  would they text you if not added PIp too? Just wondering if anyone has experience of this? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 60,987 Championing
    Sometimes but not always.