feeding tubes - advice

colet CP Network, Scope Member Posts: 101 Empowering
i have a feeding tube all my life. my current tube has been in since 2017.

what is the lifespan for a tube in an adult body?  - in the 4 years i had infection after infection and sometimes it feels like it get stuck inside,  get a growth on the site (I can keep going)  but before October 2016 I HAD NONE OF THESE SYMTOMS!!!!!!!!!!

any advice???????

oh yeah my tube constant said that I needed loose weight but I'm not that overweight


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,727 Championing
    Hi  @colet it doesn't sound too comfortable that it's causing  several infections, sounds like it needs looking at properly and maybe changing, especially as you've only had it since this one was fitted. I would definitely seek advice from your specialist. 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,977 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hey @colet, that sounds very rough for you, I'm so sorry.  I'd definitely raise this issue with your specialist. 
  • Richard_Scope
    Richard_Scope Posts: 3,716 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Hi @colet
    It sounds very much like there was an infection that occurred around the time the tube was replaced in 2017 and that hasn't been completely eradicated. So it returns.