Help with dpw mandatory reconsideration

Dan88 Community member Posts: 34 Listener
Hi guys, I’ve recently filed my MR and it’s come back (pretty much a copy and paste job) from their first decision. 
It is all regarding my physical health rather than mental health. I have a panic disorder along with anxiety and depression. They suddenly decided I am fit for work and disagree with my doctor. 
My work coach is as useful as a chocolate teapot. I honestly don’t know what to do. I have been waiting a year for anxiety management through my gp which I am now getting and then this happens. Nothing has changed with my health.. just suddenly they have changed their mind. 
My work coach keeps chucking around the word tribunal like it’s a trip to the shops. I wouldn’t be able to handle that! Is that the next stage? I’ve contacted local organisations who are inundated with this and can’t take anyone else on and just told me to go to CB. It only came back yesterday the review of my decision? I don’t know what to do next? Any advice/ help would be so greatly received. Thank you x 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Yes, it will be the Tribunal as your next stage. You can request this online here

    For the best outcome is advise you to either appear in person or have a telephone/video hearing. Paper based hearings have a much less success rate.

    All you need to do for now is give brief reasons why you disagree with the decision. 
  • Dan88
    Dan88 Community member Posts: 34 Listener
    As someone who suffers with anxiety and panic I couldn’t do a tribunal! I have been sick with worry since I got the letter. Is anyone able to help me? Any services? I don’t understand why they aren’t looking at my condition of mental health? Do they not think mental health matters anymore 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    There are advice agencies that can help you with this. Some advice agencies like Welfare Rights or a law centre will represent you but you will still need to answer the questions yourself. This link will help you find an agency near you.

    If you request a telephone hearing, do you have someone that can be with you during the hearing? The Tribunal are very understanding and will listen to what you have to say. Many people say it's a daunting process but once it's done they come back with feedback saying they were very understanding. 

    Were you found fit for work or LCW?
  • Dan88
    Dan88 Community member Posts: 34 Listener
    Thank you. Yes my mum who helps me with a lot. Yeah so before I was limited work capability. Now suddenly back to work as they found me fit: regardless of gp