Access to work for Hybrid Job and Autism

asd24 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi everyone.

I have been recently diagnosed as autistic. I have especially been struggling more recently in work with social communication issues and have had reasonable adjustments to work from home 2 days a week as otherwise I have continous shutdowns from being overwhelmed in the office which has led to a few burnouts most recently.

I was wondering what support would be resonable to ask for from access to work and what would not be offered.

Mainly as I'm hybrid now I was wondering if things like a desk and monitor at home would be covered as I only have the work supplied laptop that I use now. The setup I have now does slow my productivity compared to the setup in the office but obviously I struggle in the office with other things. Would this be too much to ask or not resonable for access to work to offer? I'm not sure as it says specialist equipment.

The company I work for has around 70 plus employee's.


  • Biblioklept
    Biblioklept Community member Posts: 5,356 Championing
    I think for hybrid working your work should be providing some of that anyway??
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,646 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @asd24 and a warm welcome to the community.
    Have your employers done a home working or workplace assessment to look at any risks? I would imagine that a suitable desk and monitor is something your workplace could provide, even without the assistance of access to work. I've had employers do this in the past. Have you asked your employer if this is something they can assist with? 
  • asd24
    asd24 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    Hi both thank you for your replies. My employer has not done a home working assessment and they were reluctant really to give me my resonable adjustments so I had to keep asking until I got them. I do want to ask my manager but have a feeling there will be resistance to anything I ask for.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,905 Championing
    @asd24 Can I ask, are you part of a union? They may be able to help support you :) 
  • asd24
    asd24 Community member Posts: 3 Listener
    @asd24 Can I ask, are you part of a union? They may be able to help support you :) 
    Hi yes I recently joined a union. Who is best to ask first as there's a few options. I know there's access to work, unions and acas?
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,905 Championing
    There is nothing saying you can speak to all of them! Get the best advice that works for you :) If it was me, I'd either reach out to my union if I think I'd need a rep later down the line. Or, if it was just for advice, then I'd reach out to ACAS :)