Review in ADP

diane1981 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
I'm due my review in adult disability payment,( in Scotland) I was on pip and moved over to this in February, how has others found the review process compared to the pip review. Getting pip was horrendous, I had to go to tribunal after having lies being told in my assessors reports. I don't have any further evidence since my award and I'm worried sick I will loose my claim.


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,977 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hiya @diane1981 I can totally empathise with your PIP experience, my experiences were the same, not fun at all! I don't know a great deal about ADP, but I'm hoping your review is quick and painless. :)
  • MJs
    MJs Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    Hi @diane1981

    I started on PIP, went through an awful assessment, assessor lied in her report - got 0 points across the board. Did the MR and pointed out all of the inaccuracies in the assessors report and highlighted where each piece of evidence demonstrated my needs in line with the descriptors. They came back and gave me standard daily living, and high rate mobility. Appauling - original assessor should have been fired/or charged for what she did. 

    I switched from PIP to ADP early 2023, as my PIP review was due a few months later it was to be handled through ADP. 

    I submitted my change of circumstance form for the review 9 months ago. I included lots of evidence, diagnoses letters, medication lists, support letter from a charity organisation related to my disability, and clearly linked my needs to the descriptors for each activity. As you can probably tell the experience hasn't been good. 

    The online form only allows you to write so much, and this made it difficult to explain how my needs had or hadn't changed - I uploaded an additional document to explain further, but kept this succinct so as not to overwhelm them. They have never once contacted me during this period - not even to confirm receipt of my form. 
    The only communication has been when I contacted them to ask for an update, using the Webchat. 8 months after submitting the form and evidence, my case was finally allocated to a case manager. 9 months in now and there is no update, no decision made yet, not been asked for further information or evidence. 

    I dread finally receiving the decision/award letter, or being asked to attend an assessment, truly hoping I don't need to do a redetermination. 

    I wouldn't say I'm a particularly complex case either. 

    Best of luck to you. 
  • diane1981
    diane1981 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
    Aww no that waiting time is awful, I was hoping the ADP would be less stressful. I was also hoping to do it online and upload pics of my evidence,  I'm not holding out hope in dwp sending over my previous evidence.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Based on other threads here ADP is just as stressful as PIP and the review waiting times are also extremely long. 
  • fm655
    fm655 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener

    hi there, new to scope,

    I am sure when ADP was announced they said it would be less stressful and on the side of the people, what happened? Because it seems to be just as much of a worry as PIP.


  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 577 Pioneering

    I do have one good report about ADP. My friend's son - he was a pip to adp transfer and she had a call to review his adp. She confirmed no changes and he was plain sailing over onto adp.

    My son's - not so good. He got pip easily enough but was due to transfer to adp this month. That has not happened and he got another pip payment today.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 720 Championing
  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 720 Championing

    I hope that means the service will be better run!

  • diane1981
    diane1981 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    Update... Thankfully my transfer and review was alot less stressful than the pip process. I did my forms onlines , sent copies of my proof, then around 3 months later I received a letter stating I was still getting daily living and moved onto enhanced mobility with back pay and a letter stating anything else I would be entitled too. Hoping my next review is as plain sailing

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,204 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks for sharing your update @diane1981 🙂

  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 577 Pioneering

    That's great to hear, @diane1981 !

    I have some news too: my son's pip to adp transfer is complete and will be reviewed August 2025. That part isn't so good as his pip was on til November 2026