OT Assessment

Tubz Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
Hi. Has anyone had experience of trying to get an OT assessment for  non-physical disabilities? I have ASD, ADHD, high anxiety, and very high sound sensitivities as a result. I live in a flat with very poor soundproofing; rubbish windows and the neighbours upstairs do not have any floor coverings; (and neither my housing association or the council will do anything about it! (Note - these people are nocturnal, so crash, bang, shout, argue, and worst of all HOOVER at all hours of the night!) There are also small children who run around screaming, shouting, bouncing a ball (which shakes my building), and swearing (!) right outside my windows. (The flat is a coach style, so the parking, and the children, as they play there!) are underneath my home. The style of the flat also means that my front window goes straight onto the road, so there is no gap. I have tried everything, including official conplaints, ombudsman etc, but the social care team were my last hope really. Now they're saying there's nothing they can do. Surely that's discrimination, as if it was a physical disability, they would have to do an assessment at least? They've not even offered that! TIA. 


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,695 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hiya @Tubz I'm sorry to hear you've been having so much trouble with your neighbours, that can't be easy! 
    We have some information here that may be of some use to you? The 2010 equality act means physical and mental disabilities are treated the same, so they should be looking into adjustments.