Rant about British Gas

rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 857 Championing
Sorry just need to get this off my chest, I switched my energy from EDF to British Gas in February. Everything was good set up an account online and they told me my last payment to EDF would be 24th February which is was and the First payment to British Gas would be 24th March. My last payment to EDF was paid, and they sent me a final bill and gave me a refund (I was alot in credit after taking final bill amount off) and cancelled my direct debit.

Going through my statements I noticed that British Gas didn't take a payment as they should of done on 24th March, when I logged into the account it said "We don't supply you energy at the moment" so contacted their customer service team via webchat only to be told "oh there was a technical error so we didn't switch you". They didn't even let me know and had the cheek to ask do you want to set up another account and try again? I declined and said since you have messed me around I'm going to look at another supplier which I did and found an even cheaper tariff now and switched to them. (SOEnergy)

My only concern is becuase now I have missed a month in payments I'm going to owe EDF now money back and will have to now contact them to do a payment plan to pay it back, as my new supplier kicks in when I next get paid so couldn't afford 2 energy bills. Just really annoyed with the whole process as I was upto date with everything and had my whole account in credit.

Sorry for the rant just needed to get off my chest.


  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    That sounds annoying and I agree cheeky as well

    If you didn't pay anything to anyone for a month then yeah you will probably owe someone money, probably EDF

    Did you not notice you hadn't paid anything to anyone for a month and set that money aside and not spent it, sorry not trying to lecture or anything just saying I would never expect to get free energy :D 

    At least one positive out of this is that you found an even cheaper tariff :blush: 

    I hope you get it sorted soon
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 857 Championing
    66Mustang said:
    That sounds annoying and I agree cheeky as well

    If you didn't pay anything to anyone for a month then yeah you will probably owe someone money, probably EDF

    Did you not notice you hadn't paid anything to anyone for a month and set that money aside and not spent it, sorry not trying to lecture or anything just saying I would never expect to get free energy :D 

    At least one positive out of this is that you found an even cheaper tariff :blush: 

    I hope you get it sorted soon

    Becuase I am stupid and bad with money with my autism haha my bills usually get paid as soon as I get paid so I don't miss them, so I just assume that money left over is mine to spend. Thats how my support worker set things up for me so i'm always upto date and in credit and never miss a bill. So stupidly didn't even notice that It didn't get paid till I checked my statements.

    I will have to speak to EDF and sort some sort of payment arrangement put in place for the next few months to pay whatever I owe now when I get a new final bill. its just completley messed me up and I was in credit which I got back from them and spent it on doing my flat up. I just wasn't aware that it didn't go through as they never contacted me.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    Oh yeah that makes sense now, sorry I didn't mean to be mean by asking that question or anything

    Just a suggestion but if you were in credit I guess you must have been paying too much, could you maybe pay a bit less each month to your new supplier so you don't accrue credit but just break even, then spend the extra little bit on paying off the EDF bill?

    I hope that makes sense
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 857 Championing
    66Mustang said:
    Oh yeah that makes sense now, sorry I didn't mean to be mean by asking that question or anything

    Just a suggestion but if you were in credit I guess you must have been paying too much, could you maybe pay a bit less each month to your new supplier so you don't accrue credit but just break even, then spend the extra little bit on paying off the EDF bill?

    I hope that makes sense

    Yeah I was paying far too much for electricity (Roughly £65 more than it should of been) so when switching my bill has gone down from £175 (EDF) to £110 (SoEnergy) so will do this. I will put that money towards paying off EDF like you suggested till its paid off. I shouldn't owe too much but missing a month means I will roughly owe them around £200 when I get my final bill when it switches again, so will just put that £65 spare towards it for the next 2/3months till paid off.

    Its just annoying more than anything as I have been upto date with everything so far, and everything has been set up so I don't miss anything.
  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 857 Championing
    Just got my final bill through, I owe them £260.76 now so just phoned EDF and put a payment plan in place which they were happy with. I just pay £40 a month till the amount is gone. Thank god that is sorted now. My new switch takes place on the 10th so fingers crossed everything goes ahead fine now.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    It sounds like you sorted it all out well @rubin16, well done, hopefully no more problems :blush: