Are there any benefits specifically for enhanced living, or standard mobility?

ESABenefitsUK123 Online Community Member Posts: 93 Contributor
I've had my PIP upgraded from standard living to enhanced living, plus I've been awarded standard mobility (previously no mobility awarded).
Are there any benefits that I can now claim, based specifically on these two changes to my PIP award?
Thanks a lot for any comments.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    What other benefits (if any) are you claiming exactly?

    For the mobility part if you scored at least 8 points in the moving around part or 10 points for following and planning journey for activity 1E you will be entitled to a Blue badge.

    You may also be entitled to a disabled persons bus pass but you'll need to look at the criteria from your local Authority because they all have different rules. 

    If you have a vehicle you will also be entitled to 50% reduction in road tax. road-tax-50-reduction

  • ESABenefitsUK123
    ESABenefitsUK123 Online Community Member Posts: 93 Contributor
    Thanks a lot Poppy!  My other benefits are ESA (income based) with the severe disability premium.  I'm also getting about 75% off my council tax bill.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    No problem. Then your ESA will remain unchanged. Sorry, I can't advise about council tax reduction because all Local Authorities have their own rules.