Hi, my name is Shacal123!

Shacal123 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
Hi Everyone
My question is: I was awarded pip 2yrs this September and it runs out September...do they write to you to re apply before September or do you take it on yourself to apply.....
Any help will be appreciated
Thank you


  • rubin16
    rubin16 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 852 Championing
    Shacal123 said:
    Hi Everyone
    My question is: I was awarded pip 2yrs this September and it runs out September...do they write to you to re apply before September or do you take it on yourself to apply.....
    Any help will be appreciated
    Thank you

    They will send you a review form in the post when your review is due, no need to reapply. Just note that there is a long delay in completed reviews so your review will take time to complete, however it might be quicker come september. You award will continue till your review is complete and a new decision is made.

    Treat reviews as if your doing a new claim though, don't just write no change to the descriptors. You should aim to do a seperate A4 piece of paper for each descriptor explaining how things effect you, what the consquences were when you attempted them and if anyone witnessed you doing them. Write your name and national insurance number ontop of each piece of paper.

    Goodluck with your review and welcome to the community.
  • Shacal123
    Shacal123 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Many thanks for your information given...that will help me....wasn't sure how it worked....
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,404 Championing
    Were you awarded by DWP or a Tribunal? If DWP are you sure your award ends this September? If it does I would have expected you to have been contacted about 8 months before the award was due to end. 

    Please check your award letter to see exactly when your award is due to end. 

    Or, if awarded by a Tribunal DWP would usually contact you about 14 weeks before your award is due to end. 
  • Shacal123
    Shacal123 Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    Thank you for your info...much appreciated.....
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,327 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    I can see you've had your questions answered @Shacal123 but I wanted to stop in and give you a quick welcome to the community. :)