ESA/UC support group

coralfang Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
I have recently made a claim for UC/ new style ESA (UC for housing elements) and the two claims are currently processing and due to be made payment soon, i am just a bit confused. I have filled in the work capability assessment and sent this back but when i have had the assessment- if i am found to be in the support group- am i paid the same extra regardless if i am claiming UC/ESA? the man on the phone from ESA said the extra payment is only around £40 a week more if i am in the support group, but after looking online the LCWRA payment seems considerably higher than this? are the two the same? 

please advise as I am not sure what to do or if i should not be claiming ESA if that's the case, thanks very much.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    New style ESA and UC are 2 completely different benefits. If you're placed into the Support Group for ESA your payments will increase to £138.20/week from the 14th week of your claim. 

    Support Group is the same as LCWRA for UC. If in the Support Group you will also receive the LCWRA element from the 4th month of your claim for UC. Your UC will then include standard allowance, LCWRA element, housing element and any other elements you're entitled to. 

    Please also make sure you report your health condition for UC and provide fit notes for this. You must make sure you provide them without any gaps until a decision is made on your WCA. 

    Your ESA will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement and there's no financial gain to claiming ESA and UC at the same time. However, as the ESA is not means tested like UC is then it's worth while claiming it. You will also receive class 1 NI credits for ESA but only class 3 for UC. 

  • coralfang
    coralfang Online Community Member Posts: 35 Connected
    thanks poppy, so if i am placed in the support group for ESA and get the additional payment alongside it, does that mean i'll automatically be entitled to LCWRA from a UC perspective and the extra (once the ESA has been deducted from it) and i will not miss out on anything i am entitled to?  

    i have uploaded sick notes for ESA and UC on the portals/online so i will keep doing that until the outcome of assessment. just want to make sure that i'm not at a disadvantage to claiming ESA alongside UC. this is all new to me.

    Thanks for your help.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Yes if in Support Group you will automatically be entitled to LCWRA because they are both the same thing. You won't be any worse off because UC will top up your income. 
  • jrob
    jrob Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    When claiming both ESA and UC at the same time it means it's a dual claim. The ESA is contributions based only benefit and the UC will top up your income.

    The ESA is not means tested but UC is. As you're entitled to both then it's better to continue to claim both.

    Yes, the ESA is deducted in full from your UC but you're not losing or gaining anything from this.

  • Lin1961
    Lin1961 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    Thankyou Poppy for clearing that up for me.