Insurer refuse on motability car

Bart87 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
Hi there first final I’m Bartosz, living in Scotland for last 17 years, unfortunately I was diagnosed with brain tumour back in August 2022, had partial removal and all treatment. Still kicking.

i come here to ask a question, had my ADP reviewed and extended for another two years, I qualify for the scheme so I went to local car dealer we went through the application got accepted even had a shot of the car. So went back to finish up the paper work and it refused my license.  So I phoned them up, I thought they may be get on my previous ban, unfortunately back in August 2021 I was done for drink driving (I went through a hell between 2019-2022, my personality changed I do not remember a lot of thing from that period probably due to brain surgery, doctors told me you changed them as the tumour growth so don’t be hard on yourself,cancer was found only because I got a seizure and was found unresponsive by a flat mate)but never crashed just stopped, I got my license back in January this year (I have to do blood test yearly for 5 years to prove I’m not an alcoholic… haven’t had a drink for 20 months, I was probably „running” away from anxiety then caused by the tumour), anyway I said I want to appeal against that and tell them my side of a story I can get them my doctors papers saying I had personality change/disorder. Prior to that situation I held license for 9 years, zero claims or points.

I do have a car I bought an 17 year old one in January as it was what I could just afford, but it’s 17 year old car and keeps on breaking and I cannot afford to put money into it , I’ve got kids living in other city, get problems with my leg pain probably due to surgery. I pay £140 for insurance monthly…

I don’t work due to still ongoing post treatment side effects so basically living off benefits after 15 years working. 

So is there any chance I can get them to change their decision once they phone me this coming week? Lassie on the phone said they won’t insure me until 2026, I thought the state would be helping people, I know I did wrong then but I paid my time and money for convictions.

thanks for any suggestions or maybe direct me on some solicitor for advise.


  • Bart87
    Bart87 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    I do apologise for mistakes, was writing quick and I can spot some, can’t see an edit button.
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Heya @Bart87 and welcome to the community! I'm glad to hear you're still kicking! 

    Unfortunately I don't know a great deal about insurance, but hopefully one of our regulars will be along soon with some support. :)
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,650 Championing
    This isn't anything to do with 'the state' or even Motability as a charity.  It's entirely up to their insurance company as to whether they'll cover someone with past convictions.  If it's company policy not to for a certain number of years, then there won't be anything you can do.

    However, I would say it's definitely still worth going ahead with the appeal.  Nothing to lose by trying it.
  • Bart87
    Bart87 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Aye that’s what I thought as I got car insurance , obviously not a cheap one but still covers me comprehensively.

    how does that work with mobility? Who insures them ? 
  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,932 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    Hi @Bart87, sorry to read about all you've been through but glad you're still around!

    For Motability, I believe all their vehicles are insured under Direct Line's specific Motability cover. I think there's a 5 year block on anyone who has been disqualified, but you could always get in touch to confirm whether this applies to your circumstances. 
  • Bart87
    Bart87 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    Well I’ll try first once Motability person phones me and I’ll put my appeal through. Then I’ll contact direct line and see what they have to say.

    i understand if i got banned having Motability car and their insurance but that happened on my private car before all.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,474 Championing
    Bart87 said:

    i understand if i got banned having Motability car and their insurance but that happened on my private car before all.
    It doesn't matter what insurance it happened with, you still had a ban. As Rosie said, usually convictions like this have a 5 year ban with Motability insurance. No harm in appealing though. 
  • Bart87
    Bart87 Online Community Member Posts: 8 Listener
    So to close this discussion, just off the phone from Motability appeal, they just can’t do it their insurer direct line won’t insure me, end of story have to wait till 2026…bast…s 😉