Degenerative disc disease

Rosanne Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
Hi there everyone

I'm living with degenerative disc disease which was diagnosed around 10 years ago now. Prior to that, I suffered with neck pain and have had carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists. I've had various procedures on my lower back (facet joints), some on the NHS and some for which I've paid privately. Many medications have been tried and sadly nothing has really worked, currently I'm finding the pain particularly unbearable, and am seeing a doctor to be referred to a pain management team, which I've also tried previously, but really didn't help at all.

My mobility is declining and I am finding daily life harder each day, and my mental health is also worsening.  Is there anyone else who is in a similar situation, who perhaps has some advice/tips on how to manage my condition going forward.

Grateful for any and all replies, it would be good to know how others cope.  Thanks for reading this rather lengthy post.


  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @Roseanne - I don't have your diagnoses, nor surgeries, but do live with chronic daily pain. What you say is so true, that when you have mobility issues, or any physical problems, it can also affect your mental health; the mind & body are inextricably intertwined.
    I don't know if the following resource will help, but hopefully worth a try knowing both the long time it can take to be referred to a pain clinic, & that these don't help everyone. Please see:
    As a retired physio, & living with a genetic disorder that has caused widespread osteoarthrosis, as well as neurological problems, so I'm in pain the moment I'm upright, which I refuse to give into, I've done a fair amount of research into such chronic pain. It seems that often looking at a few modalities (at least 2 or 3) is the most helpful. As everyone is different, finding these can be a bit of 'trial & error.'
    Medication can be part of this, but I know mine only dampens the pain down a bit, & many previously tried didn't help at all. I also use gentle exercise within my pain limits, distraction, & the diaphragmatic breathing exercise which you'll see as the 'deep breathing' exercise in the above link, daily. These are my mainstays, as well as CBD oil, which can help some with their pain. Unfortunately not one size fits all, but hope you'll look at this link & see what might work for you.

  • Rosanne
    Rosanne Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    @chiarieds thanks so much for your reply and links to resources and for your kind input. I feel so alone and unsupported by the medical professionals, so am grateful for your response. I am sorry you experience chronic pain daily, it's so physically and mentally draining. Thanks again.

  • onedayatatime
    onedayatatime Online Community Member Posts: 229 Empowering
    Hello Rosanne, I've degenerative discs across my lumbar spine, protruding and pinching, compressing nerve roots, arthritis in those facet joints and a leg and foot that at times I can't bear weight on. My mobility has really declined and my mental health is a struggle. I've tried the medications, pregabalin, gabapentin, codeine, diazapam, tramadol and had nerve blocks and a couple of spinal epidurals. These did not work for me but some people do have good results from the injections.
    I'm currently waiting for surgery with a neurologist spine surgeon to help deal with the nerve pain but this may or may not help with the back pain. The frustration of not being able to do the physical things  previously taken for granted is a lot to adjust to, but learning to pace yourself and acknowledging your limitations is a process.
    Stress really doesn't help the body so I'm learning, with varies degrees of success, to get my mindset in a more positive state. Thank gawd the summer is approaching! I'm a great believer in getting out into nature to help with the mind, even if it is just my little back garden😂 if I'm having a particular bad day, I tell myself tomorrow will be better. On the medical front, it seems getting the right medication that works for you, which may need to alter over time and having a GP or consultant who can lay out your options, definitely helps!
    I've also got a tens machine that I zap myself with on occasions 👍
    Out of interest, can I kindly ask you, do you experience sweats with your pain? These are beyond 'hot flushes' and are both day and night. 
    Please know you are not alone in all this and I apologise for one of my mighty long replies! It's only me and the dog here and he gets fed up with my nattering 😂
  • Rosanne
    Rosanne Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected
    Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and reply. I feel like I'm not so alone in dealing with this. Have appointment with Pain Management next week, but to be honest, don't hold out much hope. I want to thank you again for responding to my post, means so much x
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,886 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    We'll keep our fingers crossed for next week @Rosanne I hope they can offer some proper help and support. 
  • Piglets12
    Piglets12 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    I have DDD quite a few years now recently in a wheelchair chair there's more going on after a massive fall. I had private mmi and results I have and a cd but I can see multiple things now going on tried all the tridimensional stuff physo tens machine and I still on high meds. I have lots of issues that go with it. And the pain and headaches they come every morning. And the hunch curved back won't straighten. Next for me is fusions.

  • Piglets12
    Piglets12 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Mines stage 4 not life threatening but painful 😖 dreading these next steps and surgery.

  • Rosanne
    Rosanne Online Community Member Posts: 13 Connected

    Hi there, many apologies for late response, been meaning to reply, I am so sorry that you are having to deal with so much. It may not be life threatening, but the pain can be so debilitating. Do you have any rough idea as to surgery dates? Keep me posted, and been lovely to chat. Be kind to yourself.